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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. do you have the opportunity to read bout the Linden Homes a bit?.. you missed about ten years of discussion, planning and most important purpose . The Linden Home continent is not meant to be a substitute or replacement, but a addition ... more like between Estate and Mainland ( not official ..but as example for the purpose. And however i hate dislike the more or less forced community that tries to get born at the new continent... it's something the newer, and many older, residents want, the old days of anarchism and annoying freedom uppon your neighbours is slowly getting history
  2. the screenshot of OP is the selection that you get when clicking "all types/custom" button, it's also available in FS ( think also LL), it's to let your inventory show only certain types of objects. But shapes is indeed no seperate category.
  3. thats not even bad at all for mainland...
  4. Clue is indeed in the name .. i think you confuse a house boat with a converted ship house boat converted ship
  5. quite rude and disrespectfull to the people who respond on your clubadvertisment, if you don't let them know you'r not interested. Responders should know most of this kind of posts aren't about employment but is used for cheap advertisement.
  6. think it's time LL should step in a bit and clean up the mess that's made, of course it's a great project, but the total wild grow of posts with unrealistic wishes, promoted wild phantasies, asking for refunds, complaints about the amount of houses, and now advertisements.... put a stop on complaining, whining, suggestions, and the ongoing demands how people should make their living on the new continents. First one who starts a thread again about one of these subjects should be punished with a barefoot trip around the whole grid.
  7. There is still the adult activities rule, you have to do all what is possible not to confront others with adult content. Not setting privacy possibilities can bring you in trouble when you get reported. It is said before at one of the starter threads about the rules, if you do all possible there's nothing to fear, but you will have to do something.
  8. you'll get answer on that if you use another one .. perhaps download the LL viewer or/and another 3rd party viewer
  9. there is nothing against what "you" want, but you want others to do the same, and there your suggestion for a general ruling goes wrong ; what you want doesn't have to be what your neighbours want, and also isn't written in the guidelines or TOS. If, for example, i were your neighbour you would be looking at banlines and red parcel on the map within a few days, so eager to have a shared SL with others would creep me out. just aside and teasing.... you know shouting is not a prefered way to talk in the LL guidelines of good neighbourship in the Linden Home wiki? Etiquette Use local chat say, rather than shout. Respect your neighbors' privacy. .. not everybody will use the Linden Home as you think they should, "should" is a wrong point of view, A Linden home is tied to a premium account, they can use it at the way they like, and that's most likely not your way. again.. you want that, but i see no role to pioneer in that matter at all. .. "we should" is in real "i want", i think it's better to let it flow instead of the forced be sweet/happy and welcome everybody. Don't take this as attack of any kind, go the way you think is right, , but can't just say, we need, we must, we should ... there are as many opinions on SL as there are people.
  10. no you turn it around, it should be you (in general not personal (explain to avoid next confusion) ) should use the internationally accepted forms to adress to somebody. It doesn't have to be very formal, but also not the slang that slipped into languages.
  11. this, but also it's really not done to use words like that here, the same with "mate/dude/buddy... and a few more" totally normal in some regions on this world, but thanks to globalism, or global warming, not sure about that, it spreads like oil on the water, but it's still not generally accepted in public or social interaction with strangers here. For us it's on the same level as somebody calling a whiner, twa t or other less nice namings. Compare it with, for example, Germans, they will never ever use the word "you" to parents or others, but will always use "Sie" the "thy/U" in english/dutch perfect example of misunderstanding, in my experience many people don't get the difference anymore in literaly and figuratively examples same as the naming perhaps a cultural thing.
  12. they can perfectly see that with privacy on ..and like rl, give a call(I) if it's convenient to have a shared moment of neighbourhoodism, communication or social, no need to see you shower, cuddle or desperatly waiting for one to come by
  13. i think she is right, but thats how people are, the nicest neighbourhoods in real can turn in a ghetto within a few years. The ugly mainland where's so often is referred to, wasn't that bad in the first years either. And don't forget the influence of LL, as soon maintaing rules starts failing and only is based on reporting, it will be a sliding scale down.
  14. at first, i'm not your honey, and it's pretty offencise and rude to name somebody you don't know that way. And second.. i have no sim, and can't care less for things like complaining travelers, and from some things people can't have enough in stock... banlines and orbs are just two of it.
  15. the community you want exists only in the minds of a few idealists, it's not there, and will never be. A majority of people living at the new continent will never ever join into your dream, they just want a pretty house with privacy in a nice sim.
  16. grab a (wearable) deckchair at What Next and go sit on the roads there you can see all what you say now. If there's also no privacy left in the houses where you want to stop? Need also CC info and income scales? Yes i know those examples are nuts, but the wishes vented on this section of the forum get absurder every day. (. not saying this wish is absurd category, but very unrealistic)
  17. i think you better check your connection before all what you did now have a look here for some more info: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  18. so the last chance to have at least sóme privacy has to poof because you can't see what others do ? ... you can see if somebody is at home and IM him/her to see if she/he is available for your social interaction. There is totally no need to see if somebody is having chicken for dinner or is watching his daily porn clip.
  19. no you just got cought by the hype, will heal without complications
  20. it never been worth, it's a stupid tip somebody gave and some, to many, people took it serious. If you see the average of 2 or at most 3 people A DAY got a available home, you would know your chances. Your luck by clicking once a day would be of the same chance on getting one. (= < 0%)
  21. ok deal.. you or somebody else pay for my premium so i can be in the community too, i can't now but with your support i finally can own a house.
  22. why would you stay out?... it's absurd to call for giving up your right on your home. Every account that is premium has right on trying to get a premium home. No TOS or any other guideline is against that. period. dot. final. ( unless LL changes rules of course, but that will bring people to downgrade their alts again) It's of nobodies business if you hold a house or boat, or both, occupied with one or more paying accounts. We'r almost a week further in time and some still can't get over it.... it's normal to have some complaints about things sometimes, but by now all arguments have passed dozens of times and now only whining is left.
  23. send me the scale stats , after that we'r able to make a choice 🤩
  24. /me will keep an eye on the blinds.. as soon they open i'll send Jason with some fresh baked croissants and bagels
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