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  1. I know a few people use caspervend. They set up their food/menu in caspervend, you pay for it, then the food is delivered there in the restaurant or they can take it home.
  2. I know a few people use caspervend. They set up their food/menu in caspervend, you pay for it, then the food is delivered there in the restaurant or they can take it home.
  3. I'm at a library using the WiFi and when sl gets to "requesting region capabilities" it stops and gives me the message https://gyazo.com/32b687ea60c2c1049f027fd60176ba25, I switched to my hotspot to see if that worked and it did and I've used other WiFi and that worked fine. I'm not sure if the library has some sort of block for second life but imvu works just fine and they're the same type of program.
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