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Everything posted by ellestones

  1. from a code efficiency pov, where execution time is the meaning of efficiency, then as Rolig mentions less API calls is more efficient than more API calls from a added effects pov then is as KT mentions. The meaning of efficiency changes. What is the most efficient way to ,make multiple API calls to create the desired effect
  2. as the script is being dropped into the box Contents after all the items, including the face texture, have been loaded then box_TEXTURE() and changed() are not necessary as the face texturing is also being done in box_SETUP()
  3. for me this is the perfect product packaging. if there was a kiss-a-vendor button on here then I would click it
  4. i didn't think it was necessary as I was chatting to Wulfie and I didn't think combinatorics arithmetic needed explaining in the context of the chat and the person turned out tho that we were talking about 2 different arithmetic equations. And as KT has since commented that they never knew about this kinda equation, I now thought that in this context some explanation of the difference might be useful
  5. i agree about the auto-unpack. Is a pain when you rez something and it automatically dumps its contents on you i much prefer when the boxed package says: Touch Me to Unpack i prefer it because when I go to events, hunts, shopping, etc I can end up with quite a few boxes. I like to rez them, look at the packaging image on the box and then decide whether to unpack when I don't get to decide this then I can end up with multiple folders of the same stuff, which I then tend to accept as when working thru a pile of boxes I can't remember immediately which boxes have already been unpacked is the same when I am looking thru my legacy boxes folder of which I have many. Rez the box, look at the packaging then decide to unpack or not
  6. a thing about caches generally is what happens when they get full. When the cache is full then a new asset has to be downloaded and a existing asset has to be removed when my SL cache is full then I empty it and start over. The time cost appearance of downloading for me is less than the cost of a disk-based search and new asset replace, when is 10s of 1000s of assets in the cache
  7. j adding on to this is a number of situations where a delimited (not-the-same-as-the-last) combinatorics function can be useful. Sound playlists. Animation sequences like dance balls/huds. Prize giver where 2 random but different prizes from a pool is given. Pay-to-play devices like gacha/gumball. etc a thing with using this kinda delimited combinatorics function is to factor in that the set of reachable combinations is significantly smaller than the set of all combinations within the range. Particularly factoring it in when used for competitive scoring/reward games and pay-to-play situations. Example: a set of 3 using standard RND(3) then there are 27 unique combinations: 3 x 3 x 3 = 27. [000,001,002,010, ... , 221, 222] using this kinda delimited combinatorics function then is only 3 x 2 x 2 = 12 combinations that can be reached [010,012,020,021,101,102,120,121,201,202,210,212] for sets of other magnitudes then the way to calculate it is the same: Examples: 4 x 4 x 4 x 4. [4 x 3 x 3 x 3] 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 . [5 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4] 10 x 10 x ... 10 x 10. [10 x 9 x ... 9 x 9]
  8. is all good Wulfie and yes I take your point. I will try to comment more in the future
  9. the example I posted is different to the others posted. I said here is a method that will give a random number not the same as the last, so that the same sound will not play twice in a row as you show: i = 0; i = (0 + 1 + 2) % 3; i == 0; which is not an outcome of my example the statement: i = (0 + 1 + rnd(3)) % 3 is functionally equivalent to: i = rnd(3) for all starting values of i
  10. is arithmetic m = 3 m - 1 = 2 i = 0; i + 1 = 1; frnd = 0 or 1 1 + 0 = 1. 1 % 3 = 1 1 + 1 = 2. 2 % 3 = 2 therefore when i = 0 then the new value of i can only be 1 or 2 when i = 1 then can only be 0 or 2 when i = 2 then can only be 0 or 1
  11. m is the list length m = 3; i =(i + 1 + rnd(m-1)) % m;
  12. (0 + 1 + 2) % 3 = 0 (1 + 1 + 2) % 3 = 1 (2 + 1 + 2) % 3 = 2
  13. Rolig explained % much better than I ever could i did originally write the snippet so that it read i = (++i + (integer)llFrand((float)(m - 1))) % m; as this can work with any length list > 0. But I thought this was maybe a bit complicated. So I simplified it as Zack only asked about playing 3 sounds am not sure that indice = (++indice + (integer)llFrand((float)(magnitude - 1))) % magnitude; makes what this code does any clearer really. Perhaps a textual explanation might be better. May be something like: will not play the same sound twice in a row
  14. i would have to hunt thru ages past to find the info link. But once upon a long time ago A Linden said that the serverside baking service only applies when a body texture is saved as an outfit when it isn't and is just worn then the bake is still done client side - the old school way. And under the old school way, now same as before, if the client side bake is not downloaded to all other persons in the view then fail on their screen LL might have changed this since, but I never read anything to say they have
  15. another way, which will not play the same sound twice in a row list s = ["sound1", "sound2", "sound3"]; integer i; default { state entry { i = (integer)llFrand(3.0); } touch_start(integer num) { i = (i + 1 + (integer)llFrand(2.0)) % 3; llPlaySound(llList2String(s, i); } }
  16. thinking about this more. I like it like with any viewer UI time display. Can set Preferences to SLT (PST, GMT, whichever) or Local Time then when click on a UI datetime it toggles. So when say get an event notice in SLT. Cick on the event time and it says my local time. Click again and is SLT i vote for this
  17. @Phil Deakins agreed with what you wrote here as others have said. For LL to take action you have to file a DMCA against any copypasta notecards. Previous or new
  18. i rather not have to calculate anything. Just look at the clock 😛
  19. in pcode your script says on (keydown or keyup) { if (the current animation is the default Linden walking animation) then { if (keydown or keyup is either back or foward) then { if (there is a provided walking animation available) then { stop the default Linden walking animation } } play the available provided walking animation } } am a little unsure what you mean by not working. While the script could be tidied up a little bit, as wrote does what the pcode says might be best to post your script in the LSL Scripting forum. So that other scripters can offer their thoughts
  20. i would prefer LL to name it SLT. Pick either PST or GMT I don't mind which. Just label everywhere in the viewer as SLT
  21. once a month for maintenance release once a quarter for new features release
  22. am not sure this analogy is correct on similar characteristics software 1 = milk software 2 = cheese software 3 = cream software 4 = butter stick them all in the fridge. The butter goes off. The milk, cheese and cream are all good butter vendor says: Our butter does have issues of which we are aware. But your fridge is most likely also contributing to the problem with our butter. Because while other people also experience these issues with our butter there is nothing wrong with their fridge. Perhaps you could get another fridge and see if that might change things for you we say to butter vendor: but the milk, cheese and cream never went off in my fridge butter vendor: Sorry, we don't provide milk, cheese or cream. You will have to speak to those vendors about any problems with their products we say to butter vendor: But I don't have any problem with those products butter vendor: That's great! Is there anything else I can help you with we say to butter vendor: !!! There's a problem with your butter. When I stick it in my fridge it goes off. Unlike the milk, cheese and cream !!! they say: *sigh* We have been over this already. Perhaps you could try turning the fridge off and on? It may help you feel better and then we start think about unmentionable things the butter vendor can do with their butter
  23. a few releases ago now (can't remember the exact release number but was this year sometime) LL changed how sculpts rezzed the way it used to work was: 1) rez a sculpt placeholder (a sphere) 2) rerender the sphere when the sculpt shape texture is available 3) render the face texture on the sphere or the sculpt shape whichever it is at the time the result was often lots and lots of face textured spheres in the view waiting for the sculpt shape texture to resolve itself LL removed step 1) result is now that when the sculpt shape texture never arrives or is not able to be resolved then is never shown i personal prefer that LL removed step 1). I rather not see anything than see spherical blobs all over the screen, which continue to show forever when the sculpt shape texture never arrives/resolves
  24. i never knew that the timer worked across states is quite interesting this. Am now starting to think about how that might be useful in some edge cases
  25. integer time = 30;  // time within the message should be written. try changing this line to allow you more time. 30 seconds is not very long to read the messages sent to you by the device and then compose your message maybe set it to 120, which is 2 minutes. Or longer even as you prefer
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