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Ambie Cloud

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Posts posted by Ambie Cloud

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    It’s not how good you are on these forums. It’s how many people actually like you. You could be actually good and get ignored or as few likes compared to something less, but because they’re popular or more well liked, they get likes. 

    I don't get why you care about the whole 'liking' pictures thing? It literally has no meaning or impact. If this was Flickr, I'd understand, but this is a forum. A place to share and discuss, not a popularity contest.

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  2. Sounds like we're both very similar in regards to anxiety in social situations. I wish I had a magic solution for you, but unfortunately I don't. The best thing to do is to actively put yourself in social situations that make you feel like crawling under a rock. Go to various clubs and live events. Just dance at first, maybe occasionally saying a word or two into local chat. If you keep this up, just being there, then HOPEFULLY you'll get more comfortable being around others. Once you feel yourself feeling less awkward and anxious, you can start chatting more. Complimenting the song choice, asking everyone how their days are going and so on. What also might help is joining a community on SL that revolves around your interests. There are plenty of groups who have sims in-world for like-minded people to gather and chat.

    No idea if any of this helps, I know how it feels when people suggest things you've heard a million times before, but just wanted to throw my ideas out there.

    Wishing you all the best!

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  3. I know others have said this, but hey. Don't let this one situation deter you from logging on. Like others have said, block and move on. Find a new place to hang out etc. Do not let a few losers ruin your time here.

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