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Posts posted by Caenir

  1. Alwin Alcott wrote:

    Caenir wrote:

    What is against guidelines ? I didn't understand what you mean. Sorry for my English

    means... it's forbidden to advertise

    Discussion area for inworld and Marketplace merchants to exchange business and marketing ideas.

    I'm not advertising, i want review in forums, not in marketplace. If it's still against rules what is the idea of this `merchant` forum ?

  2. Hi everyone,

    I want to show you my product and get your ideas and comments. My product is a script and it designed to work for any prim.


    Here is the product here and i want all of you to tell me what can i improve. This is my first product in MP



  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm software developer sice 2001 and looking for job in SL. I'm new at SL but i'm pretty sure myself to make every kind of script in world. I just have 1 script at marketplace right now but soon i'll increase them.


    - Over 10 months in SL but this account for scripting, so it's new

    - HTML5, CSS3 since beginning (beginning of them ofc)

    - PHP, MySQL over 11 years

    - C#.Net since 2007

    - Bad English :-)

    Contact me via PM or in-game

    Regards and have a good game


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