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IA Nova

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Everything posted by IA Nova

  1. I've got a crazy project in my head, and I'd like to put it to cooldown on a touch hud, But I've never seen this, also investigate but I did not find, someone knows something? my idea is that the hud announces the remaining time to use a skill for example and if this touch is pressed again it will not activate the ability ... Finally, as I have researched and I have absolutely nothing, and the script that I ask is basically of zero, I would like to agree a price if necessary, Thank you very much in advance!
  2. oh my god it is currently working! I gave a copy of the hud to my alt and my alt can not activate my things great! thank you very much both are great!
  3. I do not know where the error is, I added ";" because it was missing, but it still is bug. default { state_entry() { llListen(-1212,"","",""); } on_rez(integer message) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){ if(llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner()){ //if the uuid of the object that sent the message is the same as the uuid of the owner of the object containing this script if("lights on" == message){ //turn on the lights llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, <1.0,1.0,1.0> , 1, 4.5, 0.0 ]); else if ("lights off" == message){ //turn off the lights llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, ZERO_VECTOR , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]); } } }
  4. I do not know how to put together the script if I do not see it complete, my level of script is very basic may be the right data, but I do not know how to implement them X_x default { state_entry() { llListen(-1212,"","",""); } on_rez(integer message) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){ if(llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner()){ if("lights on" == message){ } else if ("lights off" == message){ } } if(llToLower(message) == "lights on") { llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, <255,255,255> , 1, 4.5, 0.0 ]);; } if(llToLower(message) == "lights off") { llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, ZERO_VECTOR , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]); } } }
  5. my alt character, I can still control the light of my main character ;C the script : default { state_entry() { llListen(-1212,"","",""); } on_rez(integer message) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if(llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner()){ //if the uuid of the object that sent the message is the same as the uuid of the owner of the object containing this script //do stuff } if(llToLower(msg) == "lights on") { llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, <255,255,255> , 1, 4.5, 0.-3754 ]);; } if(llToLower(msg) == "lights off") { llSetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, ZERO_VECTOR , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]); } } } I hope I put it in the correct position the green box is the hud in my alt character the ball white is the listen script, is active for my alt It would be difficult to give a hud with a different channel to each friend. X_x
  6. This is the "menu" script can be touched and used by anyone, I would like only the owner to use it ... list list_one = ["Lights Off","Lights ON"]; string owner; integer chan; default { on_rez(integer n) { llResetScript(); } attach(key a) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { chan = 8000 + (integer)llFrand(8000); owner = llKey2Name(llGetOwner()); llListen(chan,"","",""); llListen(1,"",llGetOwner(),""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0),"Please make a selection from the menu below.",list_one,chan); } listen(integer c, string n, key i, string m) { if(m == "Lights ON") { llSay(-1212,"lights on"); } if(m == "Lights Off") { llSay(-1212,"lights off"); } } } On the other hand, there is the listening script, it receives all the orders of everyone, including the owner, and also everything that the keyword says in the channel -1212 the option is ideal if I change channels, and I make both copies, the problem is solved, the problem is that if I want to give the same copy to two people, it can activate the light of the other and I want each one to activate its light own and not that of others I have tried the code, but it seems that the script ignores everything that has to do with llGetOwner listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(id == llGetOwner()){ //do this } else{ //do something else } } ty for your help Innula Zenovka <3 you are always attentive to the forum!
  7. Hi, I have this listen script, I would like that when its owner says the keyword, only the effect of the owner is activated, and not that others also activate theirs. default { state_entry () { llListen (-2222, "", "", ""); } on_rez (integer message) { llResetScript (); } listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (llDetectedKey (0) == llGetOwner ()) { } if (llToLower (message) == "active01") the problem is that when I send the signal of "active01" my effect and that of others is activated, because they are in the same channel -2222 but I want that being on the same channel only activate the owner, and not everyone who is on that channel, but using it, is that possible? is an item that is dressed in a particle effect, I want to activate my character, give it to my friends and they activate and deactivate when they want and not me who activates and deactivates their effects or they mine, without having to change the channel. ----------------- the idea is that the "owner of the object" activates and deactivates the effect in the same channel only the owner of the object, and that this can not activate the others of other people. my script player 1 : active effect -2222 = RUN EFFECT player 2 : no active effect = -2222 RUN EFFECT.. i want player 1 : active effect -2222 = RUN EFFECT player 2 : no acive effect = -2222 No run Effect is possible? or maybe I should change the way to execute this function ...
  8. integer info; integer lastinfo; integer diffinfo; default { state_entry() { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); /// This requests permission } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) // If permission is granted, start the timer { llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } } } timer() { lastinfo = info; info = llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()); diffinfo = lastinfo ^ info; if(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) //Check to be sure you have permission { if (diffinfo & AGENT_TYPING) { if (info & AGENT_TYPING) { llStartAnimation(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0)); } else { llStopAnimation(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,0)); } } } } } what the script should do, is run random animations while one writes and then stop when you stop typing, it's like a sound typer but with animations --- I want to do this: integer info; integer lastinfo; integer diffinfo; default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } timer() { lastinfo = info; info = llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()); diffinfo = lastinfo ^ info; if (diffinfo & AGENT_TYPING) { if (info & AGENT_TYPING) { llTriggerSound(llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_SOUND,llFloor(llFrand(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND)))),1); } else { } } } } but with animations >,<
  9. I test the scripts but they give me error the other too D;
  10. thank you very much for the answers !!, I will try this! Thank you!
  11. I'm a bit new, creating the script, the truth that I would like to be able to give functionality to this the intention is that when I write in the nerby chat, as well as the mouth and hands move, I also want animations to be executed for a period of time but I can not understand the part of the permits, where the line goes or how to insert it, could someone give me an example of how to fix this? If I do not see an example, I can not understand >,< integer info; integer lastinfo; integer diffinfo; default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0.1); } timer() { lastinfo = info; info = llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()); diffinfo = lastinfo ^ info; if (diffinfo & AGENT_TYPING) { if (info & AGENT_TYPING) { llStartAnimation(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0)); } else { } } } }
  12. could show me how to do, is that I do not know much about script ;_;
  13. Hello, lately I was practicing with scripts, but reached my limit !!! so I ask if you can help me with what I intend to do ... I have this script: this script activates with a "click" on the vehicle, but I want to activate it remotely with a menu that says "activate" or "deactivate" and not with touch I have come with scripts, but this one has many letters and rules for my understanding if someone is so kind to help me, I'm grateful <3 I have something similar, with a remote sound script that says "sound on / sound off" https://puu.sh/z2a5X/391aca306c.png and it works great, I would like something similar to that but all the effects of the touch on the vehicle, immediately go to the "activate" button in that way to control it remotely. It really is not 100% necessary that it be remotely, with the fact that when you click, a menu that says "activate" will appear, it is good for my project
  14. Estoy en busqueda de alguien que se conecte seguido, y trabaje con script, ya que soy diseñadora de items y objetos del market place, y necesito alguien que pueda colaborar con mis proyectos me gustaría saber precios por script y eso, si alguien esta interesado, comuníquese conmigo los requisitos son : basicamente cosas de apuntar y disparar como lo son las armas, y la creacion de efectos de disparo, crear un sistema facil de editar script para puertas corredizas u otros... de ese nivel.
  15. ya mas o menos averigue como, solo necesito depositar algo de dinero en mi tarjeta de debito para empezar a trabajar con paypal . gracias.
  16. hola estoy interesada, en transferir algo del dinero de mi cuenta de second life el lindens a dolares, y que estos a su ves los pueda adquirir en la vida real, es posible? vi que hay un saldo minimo, creo que como requisito, cuento con ese saldo por el momento mi interes ahora son pasar 3100 y algo de lindens, ahora como que me los han descontado el problema es que el boton de retirar esta bloqueado y no entiendo por que... alguien me explica como hacer?
  17. hola una consulta, como es el tema de comprar un terreno, es pagar 1 vez y nunca mas?
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