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Everything posted by Applez6

  1. Hi all, I've been looking around for help, but didn't see a clear answer for this issue. I'm using Blender v2.77 atm for this certain mesh. All the bones and vertex groups are correct. The scaling is correct. Even when I preivew the upload, my joints are all there. But for some reason, the mesh is completely exploded and huge, and I can barely even see it in the preview. I did not use a preset skeleton, I made my own. I'm not sure if I'm exporting incorrectly or not.. If I'm missing an important step please let me know. I know I have a lot of vertices (which I will tone down later), but that can't be the issue right? Before: https://gyazo.com/8e56482e46a5a7bc06728e8828a057cd After: https://gyazo.com/61cec409e17d600d7b1dec4f078b190f Blender: https://gyazo.com/f2cea85f0670e9536f0556c9f8c9f677
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