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  1. Afternoon! I am in need of Mesh Clothing designer willing to work with the Gianni body for a couple of projects for a dance performance. The primary items I am looking to commission are 1) A low slung sarong with a hip belt and 2) Chalwar that open on the sides. I am more then willing to pay generously for your time and work. I will keep an eye out here for responses. However, you can also contact me for more information @ Backwardreasoning@gmail.com or In world Backwardreasoning resident
  2. Greetings! I am very interested in discussing a project underway with you. I have a full region 30k prims that will be used for a modern RP sim. Please contact me inworld to discuss the project if you are interested. Backwardreasoning resident
  3. I'm interested. Left you a message in world
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