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  1. you need a Collision Detection in your object which can trigger Partical effect to give you blood splash effect.
  2. If you are not interersted to hire scripter best way for you to is learn small parts of scripts first. to accomplish your mesh alpha hud you might needs this number of functions to go throught 1. who is touching the hud (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedKey ) 2.what part of hud is touched ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedLinkNumber ) 3. what message it should send to your mesh alpha body ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListen ) 4. once listen the message what parts needs to apply that changes ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParams#llSetLinkPrimitiveParams)
  3. hi try something like this. list OwnerDialog = ["owner","owner1","owner2"]; //<----saperate dialog for ownter list RenterDialog = ["renter","renter1","renter2"]; //<----saperate dialog for renter list OtherDialog = ["other","other1","other2"]; //<-----------saperate dialog for others string message = "\n Please make a choice."; //<----message to post on dialog list OwnerKey = []; //<---------owner keys list RenterKey = []; //<-------renter keys list OtherKey = []; //<------other keys key ToucherID; //<------ toucher key string ToucherName; integer ChannelDialog; integer ListenerRemoverID; default{ state_entry(){ ChannelDialog = -1 - (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetKey(), -7, -1) ); } touch_start(integer total_num){ ToucherID = llDetectedKey(0); if(~llListFindList(OwnerKey,[(string)ToucherID])){ llDialog(ToucherID, message,OwnerDialog, ChannelDialog); ListenerRemoverID = llListen(ChannelDialog, "", ToucherID, ""); } else if(~llListFindList(RenterKey,[(string)ToucherID])){ llDialog(ToucherID, message,RenterDialog, ChannelDialog); ListenerRemoverID = llListen(ChannelDialog, "", ToucherID, ""); } else if(~llListFindList(OtherKey,[(string)ToucherID])){ llDialog(ToucherID, message,OtherDialog, ChannelDialog); ListenerRemoverID = llListen(ChannelDialog, "", ToucherID, ""); } else{ llInstantMessage(ToucherID,"you are not Authorised"); } } }
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