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Everything posted by HaileeTempesta

  1. I went and the build was very nice. However, I had to keep leaving to try demo's that came with HUDS for color change, like hairs and such. While I know scripts get turned off to help with lag, to be honest, when I have to leave and go back to a shopping event, I typically leave and don't go back at all because it's a pain in the rear and hard to get back in usually. Also, I would really like to know the actual criteria used to chose stores from all those that enter to be involved because it seems to me it's unfairly tipped towards the stores that already are hugely successful and leaves very little space for any up and coming or brand new stores to have a real chance. It comes off more like the "hey sign up for a chance to a be a part of "insert whatever LL event it is" " is just to make it look like everyone gets a fair shot, but, it feels more like the bulk of the stores included are pretty much already known since they are in almost every single LL event. I will sing the praises of SL all day long because I love it and have been around nearly 10 years in total, but, I feel it needs pointing out that it looks like it is a biased, unfair process. The stores that LL's make the most money off of all year round get to be in the events and that is a lot of free advertising right there that small and/or new places could really use. Help the little people, is all I'm saying, make it a fair distribution, for every big name store choose one new or small store every event.
  2. I cash my L$ out to my US balance every couple of hundred dollars I make, no way would I keep $6000 USD worth of L$ in SL. If something ever happens and SL closes suddenly or heaven forbid you are banned, LL doesn't have to refund your L$ balance, but, they do say they will refund your USD balance. So, for me it's just common sense to keep my money on my USD balance. On top of which, land tier and premium dues can and will be pulled from your USD balance not your inworld L$ balance, so for me it's a bonus, cause if I ever get sick and can't log in for awhile or something, my land and stuff will be covered for awhile since I try and keep at least 4 months of sim tier and one year of premium dues on my USD balance at all times just in case.
  3. This thread got me sidetracked on trying to lower my inventory on my main account. I was able to get rid of 1,930 items just from using all the words Skell had mentioned, alas, that still leaves me with 131,387 items. But, to be fair, I do own a store so there are a a ton of building supplies on my account. As for organizing, I now put the date I purchased the item and the name of the store or event I got it at in the folder name of every item I get before putting it in whatever folder it belongs in, it helps a lot.
  4. I've always wanted LL to make it to where if you have yourself set to hidden to others that you should not show as online anywhere unless you choose to share that info & when someone messages you they automatically get the same message they would get if you were actually offline.
  5. I was told to go into debug settings and set my LOD to 8. Everything looks fine for me with it at that setting and SL hasn't run slower or anything that I've noticed and things that used to crumple at long distance viewing no long do. Does the setting cause some damage somehow?
  6. Thank you so much for sharing. There is such a beauty to be found in people rising up and standing together.
  7. Nashville, TN The country music capital of the world!
  8. Glam Affair only makes head skins for specific heads unfortunately.
  9. Or you can get the free HUD on the marketplace called What is she wearing. You just click it find the avatars name on you want to inspect and click it, all the info on what they are wearing, the creator and so forth will spill into open chat (only you see it) and you can copy/paste it into a note card and happy shopping.
  10. It must be nice to never have had someone rip your SL apart then they come back on alts and end up doing it all over again all because you trusted at face value. People pretending to have cancer in RL, they supposedly die, then come back on an alt to their own SL funeral and re approach the person they had been involved with for 6 years offering sympathy and reintegrates herself as a friend there to help, then when he he is out and about one day at a club, he hears the voice of the woman he had loved for all those years that had died and guess what...it was HER. She just didn't want to tell him she didn't want to be with him anymore so she scammed him and everyone else that knew her by saying she had cancer and having a "friend" let them know she had died. So, I'm sorry, no, I'm not going to be an idiot and take anyone at face value in SL, because people are deceitful, hurtful and mostly only out for themselves these days. The standard of people in SL now is extremely low compared to when I originally started in 2007. If you choose to believe everything handed to you, more power to you, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to protect themselves, their heart and their happiness by making a very simple request. Nowhere did I say anything about pushing them to do it, but, asking and giving my reason why I'm asking does not make me a bad person or anyone else a bad person either.
  11. A lot of people lie in SL, a lot of people like to cause drama in SL, a lot of people enjoy hurting others for their own entertainment, so asking someone to say a few words on voice is in no way wrong, however, pushing someone to talk in voice is. You don't know who is on the other side of that avatar that just approached you. Could be an ex, could be an ex friend, could be someone pretending to be something they aren't, it's really not just about whether someone is really male or female anymore, people try to integrate themselves into others lives for many reasons and some of those reasons are bad. So I make it clear upfront that unless I can chat with them for a min in voice or Skype, I'm not interested in being anything more than an acquaintance. Because I've had to many people lie, use and hurt me and honestly, I'm not willing to risk my enjoyment of SL by being a sheep and just blindly believing what everyone says anymore because 9 times out of 10, you're being played. So male or female I ask, because I don't have anything to hide and if they don't want to, well, saved me a lot of time and possible hurt.
  12. Have the stores selected already been contacted by chance? And I'm curious how LL chooses the stores that participate. My friends and I have noticed usually it's all big name or well known brands, was wondering if smaller, newer businesses would ever be selected as well?
  13. There was a time when LL would remove items that were found to be copybotted from a customers inventory. You buy something, you have no idea it is illegal, you log in one day and it's gone and in it's place is something called a placeholder, which is actually not something usable to replace the actual item, just a dummy item to show they removed stolen content form your inventory. It happened a few times to me over the years and yes I was pissed, but, every thing we spend money on in SL is a risk, you know that going in, you chose to take the risk and honestly, today I am glad they used to do that, I don't want to unknowingly support thieves. I hate I lost my money, but, I'm glad LL cared enough to try and help the actual content creator. Now, nothing happens, theft is spreading like a virus out of control and to be honest, most people know and don't care that they are buying the copybotted version of something, they are just tickled that they are "saving money" and since there really is no consequence to them (the thieves or the customers that know it's a stolen item) they go about their day happy to have pulled one over on innocent people. I say bring back the "tough love", protect your creators, they are the ones keeping your world afloat, without them, customers wouldn't have their pretty baubles, fancy avatars or nice homes and LL wouldn't be making the money they make now and SL would go down like the Titanic. People need to learn to respect other people again and actually care about what is right or wrong.
  14. I just got this same email on my main account this morning. I had set up a process credit for 600 USD Friday. It is the first time I have ever taken out that much money, but, I needed extra help to get my insulin this month and new glasses. Now, it seems my money is on hold. It wasn't put back on my Second Life account, it is just in limbo until they decide if they need more information to "prove" who I am. I'm glad I left 4 months worth of sim tier on my Second Life account instead of trying to cash it out as well, so at least my business will be ok. After seeing all the hoops people have to jump through I am guessing I won't be getting my insulin any time soon though. Just funny that all the questions they asked me were things already on file on my account, well except they asked a question about a car I had like six or seven years ago (they knew the make and model), that threw me off since I've never, ever put that info on any Second Life site.
  15. Well, if people could tell who was looking at their profiles inworld now, it would finally put a stop to my living in the past and profile perving people that used to be in my life. Just because a relationship/friendship ends, doesn't mean the love you had for them does and I have a horrible habit of watching from afar as they move on with their lives, find happiness, etc. It's a seriously horrible way of punishing myself for all the things I feel I did wrong, but, at the same time I find some happiness that they were able to be happy again, even without me.
  16. You do realize that Linden Labs is a business don't you? If they don't make some sort of a profit, then they would lose money and go out of business. It seems to me people don't take into account the amount of time and money that LL puts into Second Life and the Marketplace. They are doing us a favor by offering what they do and we should be grateful that they only take a very small amount of money for doing it when they could easily charge way more. Stop expecting things to be free or nearly free, it's honestly not a fair expectation.
  17. I find it's easiest if every avatar made you make an email address specifically for that avatar using the avatars name in the email address.
  18. The updated Second Life TOS says it's 5 avatars per household, not email. LL can also charge you for making more avatars than that and or ban you for breaking the TOS if they want to. So, be careful throwing that info around on the forums.
  19. I use the used category myself on my store avatar. But, it would be nice to simply have a Gacha category with its own little subcategories since it has taken over the grid. I thought when they were doing their "upgrade" of the marketplace they might actually put it in, but, alas, they didn't. It would just make things simpler and more streamlined if they did.
  20. I have a store on another account and my Adult items far out sale my PG ones. Investing in smooth, quality animations can be very expensive, I spend a fortune on them. But, over time I make my money back and then some. I will not buy any animation if I can't test it inworld first, no amount of videos or awesome reviews will convince me otherwise anymore because I have gotten ripped off way to often. Always, always test, test, test. Most couples animations usually run about 1000L$ to upwards of 2500L$ apiece. Singles typically range about 500L$. It really depends on where you shop. Kabuki & RNP are my favorite places to look for animations first though. They have amazing sale prices pretty much every single weekend and they are the nicest people as well.
  21. There are times having a review removed is right though. On the account that I have a store on I had a falling out with a friend and she bought several of my items (that she already had be given for free) and left horrendous reviews. I contacted LL, gave them a screenshot of the argument we had had where she threatened to "take me down" in any way necessary and they removed the reviews. Not all reviews are about the actual product, some are made by angry people, jealous people or competition. I honestly wish creators had the right to ban people from purchasing our products. If you ban a griefer or an angry friend or ex inworld they can still attack you through the marketplace. Grant it LL is pretty good about taking care of the problem, but, it should be up to the creator whether or not they sell to someone.
  22. "You must be so very, very proud to be failures in the real world." See, you say others are rude, but then you too turn to rudeness when you don't like what people say to you. That is one reason why people hit the ban and mute button so often, it's easier than dealing with people who like to pretend they are far superior, but then turn out to be just as much of jerk as anyone else. Another reason is because those of us that own those regions, pay alot of real life money to have them and shouldn't have to deal with anyone that we do not choose to. Not everyone that has a sim and allows others to use it actually look to make a profit, so, banning doesn't hurt them at all. By the way, you are in Second Life as well, so if what you said above holds true, then that would make you a failure as well. Thanks for giving me a new name to add to my regions ban list on my other avatar. lol
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