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Posts posted by Adcap6

  1. "Is people" seems to be the issue huh? always the person whom the account is compromised is the one at fault. Be damned the person who did the violation and its very obvious account 'hacking' 'phishing' etc. and so on isn't really a big deal, good job on your hacking skills! bravo!. In this case and especially Secondlife, crime DOES indeed pay.

    Being a thief is WRONG period, so let us not cloud this little situation to where the victim turns into the 'idiot' and the criminal turns into the 'intelligent' one. Right now, anytime I see anyone turn the tables makes me a little suspicious that just maaaybe, YOU might be involved as well with all this cute account theft fiasco, so be careful with the choice of words. "the Guilty Dog Barks First" comes to mind here.

    So, damn right Secondlife needs a Secondary Authentication process, this should have been in place since day one. There have been millions of dollars made via Secondlife over the years so yeah, the thieves want to steal it, duh. The entire SecondLife population is at fault for not standing up to this mess and saying enough is enough!! Stealing anyone's money isn't OK, shame on you for not being savvy with your idiocy.

    Being lazy and or an inconvenience for you to take the time to put in that little extra effort to log-in, well until Alwin gets hacked anyway right? What you and your opinions are but yours only. Rest of us who do want a little more effort in the way of keeping our lindens and bank accounts safe...DO. Give it time, something may or may not happen to where accessing any account will take no password etc. if we don't start doing something about this NOW.

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