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  1. Tried speed light. Didn't work very well, for me. &, It only works for SL. Lumiya could do other places, like kitely, & osgrid. & Ya didn't have to wade thru sign this sign that.
  2. I paid the original $2.99 for it on Google play store. I had to delete my original copy. To make room for other stuff. &, I've repeated that process several times. A couple of times. Kind folks, have shared their copies, with me. On other occasions, in attempts to find a clean link for Lumiya. I've had virus attacks. Many other folks have similar issues. I've been without my last copy, for about 2 months. This last one was extremely suspicious. Because it was 20mb. A normal Lumiya 3.4.2, should be, around 10mb. Does anyone have sober suggestions, as to how I, or anyone else can retrieve it?
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