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Sister Nova

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Everything posted by Sister Nova

  1. Don’t feel daft, it really isn’t explained clearly. No, you won’t have lost a roll because it’s actual abandons that are counted, not attempts to get a parcel.
  2. Although the term ‘day’ is used, it’s actually referring to a 24 hour period. The counts do not reset at midnight on any time zone.
  3. I have a camper in the new LH Bellisseria, and that has a 512 sqm parcel just like the old LH. Like you, I do use the remaining allowance for mainland parcels (yes, ‘parcels’ lol. I have two 256 sqm on different continents). But then again, I also have two other premium accounts and have a houseboat and a Victorian in Bellisseria too. I don’t miss ban lines at all. In fact I have never used them on any mainland property, and the 1LI security system (‘orb’) that is provided by LL from the building selector device on each LH parcel is really almost as effective as ban lines (you have to wait for 15 seconds before it will eject anyone, giving accidental trespassers fair warning). But if you are at home when someone you don’t wish to have access to your parcel enters, you can eject them before the 15 seconds elapse using the land powers. Admittedly, the camper doesn’t cover the entire parcel as the old homes do, but there are still themes to come, and maybe there will be something that will be more to your liking among them
  4. Yes, spacing out the attempts worked well for me too
  5. I actually did all five rolls a couple of months ago and was astonished to discover that it was 24 hours from the last roll. After that I made sure to space them out and didn't get locked out again.
  6. If they had been set to phantom it is unlikely that anyone would have discovered them.
  7. If you're not already a premium account holder it might be best to rent a place first to see what sort of return you get in terms of sales. If you're uncertain of landlords then drop them an IM first to check their response time and what sort of rules they may have with their rentals. Good luck!
  8. Really lovely! I've always found HBs to be the hardest to decorate of the themes I've had, and it never occurred to me to go 'Tradward'. The view is just delightful, and I particularly like the colour (I do love a nice green). I wish you many happy hours there
  9. I used to do this and amassed quite a number of alts in doing so. After deciding I needed some stability in my Second Life I settled on this account and use her as a chameleon. She has three different identities at the moment and I enjoy using the one that appeals to me most at the time I log in. Having made many outfits for each identity it’s so very easy to change between each. It has also saved me some money as I really only have to buy ‘toys’ (I love vehicles and buildings) for one av rather than for a few.
  10. They hide it in the hope that it will not be discovered and returned as it is in violation of the covenant. They may even have a script installed that toggles the invisibility on and off upon their touching it.
  11. Looks as though it’s a box kite that Nika mentioned you could watch bob around.
  12. For me, I like to have: access to the Bellisseria road system; very easy access to open water; at least one compass point being a purely water view (preferably not void); a low parcel count in the region it is situated; and I’d always thought that the 32x32 parcel shape was a ‘must’, but with my alt’s HB meeting the first four points I find that I’m very happy with the long parcel. It’s definitely a ‘keeper’ and my amazement at rolling it at first attempt only a couple of months ago still staggers me.
  13. New last names have just been added to the list. I wonder how many will try to get Lucifer Morningstar... better hurry....lol Now Available: New Last Names in Second Life! - Featured News - Second Life Community
  14. Or… When you abandon a house, you can loiter and wait to see when it gets assigned to someone else and then select another of that theme from the house page. Sure, there may not be any available, or you may have to wait a while, but no one ever said that the Game of Homes would be easy. After all, it’s not what the system was designed for.
  15. The region will move as a whole, and everything on it will be undisturbed.
  16. I have one of these cars.... time to dig it out and fly around Bellisseria
  17. On the LL viewer it is in the 'World' drop down menu, but also there is the 'Region/Estate' window so you can go to it direct. If you go to the 'Terrain' tab in that window it shows you the terrain raise and lower limits next to the water height as shown in Qie's posted image.
  18. No, landmarks are tied to a region rather than a grid location, it was changed a few years ago and brought up by Patch in a chat a few months ago.
  19. I’m in SL a lot of the day, usually just travelling/exploring or moving items around on my various parcels. Although I lurk in a few groups, I only tend to post there if someone asks a question and nobody else has put forward an answer. I won’t approach people in order to chat (although I’m happy to chat with anyone that approaches me to do so), and the idea of attending an ‘event’ just makes me shiver. My inworld company is usually limited to my alts, who have their homes across my parcels. It’s nice to have a friendly face to greet me when I arrive at one of them, and they’re a great help in being able to teleport to sit in my vehicle if I need to get out to reset it or I’m visiting something and will need the vehicle to carry on my journey afterwards. The SL forum (I don’t use any others, and I shun social media) is my first port of call upon waking, my last stop of the day when retiring, and regularly visited during the day between journeys. One regular contributor to the forums has been my landlord on several occasions, and we’ve exchanged pleasantries on parcel decoration a few times, and another who must surely rank as the nicest person both inworld and in forum is currently my landlord on one of my rentals. I think I’ve seen one other ‘forumite’ as a green dot on the mini map, which made me smile as I passed. The only contact I’ve ever had with any others from here was when I was attacked in IM out of the blue and accused of all sorts of malarkey in what must have surely been a cut and paste exercise with lumps of text hitting my inbox and leaving me floundering because I a: don’t think fast; and b: really had no idea what she was going on about; purely because I belonged to a certain land group and so therefore must be in cahoots with someone else on the forum (with whom I have never had any contact) that was also in the same group, in order to do them injury. They thoroughly disturbed my peace and earned themselves the distinction of being the only person I’ve blocked inworld in recent years, (having been in SL since 2006 I find that the blocking facility had to be used more often back then). I’ve never used the forum block. tl:dr Not everyone in SL is there for the social aspect, not every post on the forum can come across to everyone as perhaps the writer intended. Maybe a pause in some circumstances before submitting a reply, “Does this really need to be said?”It’s fine to disagree, but can we at least do it and remain polite, rather than insulting them or their mother.
  20. fantasy /ˈfantəsi,ˈfantəzi/ 1. the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.
  21. Auto return can be set to return items after a specified amount of time or left at zero in order that nothing is returned. The parcels default to zero so you should be fine. You can keep track of the people that have items rezzed on your parcel and the count of their land impact by using the ‘about land’ window. Get to know the various tabs of that window and it will help you immensely
  22. I’ve noticed that this has happened whenever I’ve requested to purchase a piece of abandoned land. When the parcel is prepared for sale the landscape is reverted by the Linden setting it up. In the last region I bought some, the original landscape differed quite a bit to the rest of the parcels resulting in a pit. It was no effort to blend it in again once I purchased it, but it was encouraging to realise that the evolution of the region over the years was actually a good one.
  23. Stick to the public land and you'll have no problem
  24. The horror story I related in the link you posted above was the parcel I had before coming to the one you show in the picture. I loved this parcel as I had always wanted to have land near to your town where I have had MANY rentals I'm so sorry to see the end of Greater Coniston, and my rented brown house in the top picture.
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