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Devan Miami

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Posts posted by Devan Miami

  1. In fact: You have been doing nothing but post insults and accusations (one after the other this morning) towards me without really, anything to show for it. What do you have t'show for your constant negative posts towards me? Did my right to reply to whoever I decided make you cry or something? Seriously Sit Down..

    Edit: Seriouslly sit down with all that carrying on and hoot n'nanny and what not... lol

  2. And I counter argue: I'm am not a troll and that I retain the right to post "Anything and Everything" (that is well within the Second Life's TOS, or any TOS of any online grid, game, forum, ect, or other public communities) to anyone's or induvidual's reply as were replying is allowed anywhere on the internet for as many times as I please. And I stick by that 100%"  Therefore I conclude: you are accusing me of trolling and that's slander. There is nowere in the TOS that limits the amount of multiple replies to someone else's multiple replies in Second Life as far as I've been able to read.

    So I will tell you this: I'll basically do as I please and I don't need your permission.

    Once again: Sincerely,

    Devan Miami

    ETA: I have Persians to go kill. In other words, i've wasted enough time on "losers" this evening. Laters.

    This is why I conclude you see?: You have resorted to insult tactics: Which means I have won the arguement.

  3. I'm doing nothing wrong, relax.

    Posting youtube vids with "faminly friendly" videos of "overweight individuals publicly jiggling their bodies in the air" or "hippopotamuses at a zoo, defecating infront of laughing children with their parents" or "donkeys and or jackasses brayering" is perfectly well within no reason to have " ******* in a twist" as you yourself mildy put it.

    Again sincerely,

    Devan Miami

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