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Everything posted by Nick0678

  1. FB is for real life bots only, gaming characters usually get deleted.
  2. If you have Avast Antivirus disable it until reboot, reinstall Firestorm and try again.
  3. Hmmm.. looks like i 'll have to Thank Mr&Mrs Anonymoose again. Thanks for the gift. **Lindens are the biggest trolls ever, only a few hours ago posting in this Thread was considered "necroposting" but now it isn't.
  4. Nods, try these filters if you prefer a standard look without sidebar etc. community.secondlife.com###footer community.secondlife.com###ipsLayout_sidebar community.secondlife.com##.md\:ipsMargin_bottom\:half.ipsMargin_bottom.ipsClearfix.ipsResponsive_pull.ipsBox.ipsPageHeader community.secondlife.com##div.ipsSpacer_bottom.ipsBox--child.ipsBox.cProfileSidebarBlock:nth-of-type(3) community.secondlife.com##.ipsRadius.ipsPadding.ipsMargin_bottom.cProfileSidebarBlock.ipsLeaderboard_trophy_1 community.secondlife.com##.ipsUnreadBar community.secondlife.com##.ipsFlashMsg_bottom.ipsFlashMsg_dismissable.ipsPadding\:half.cPostFlash community.secondlife.com##html body.ipsApp.ipsApp_front.ipsJS_has.ipsClearfix.ipsApp_noTouch div#ipsTooltip.ipsTooltip.ipsType_noBreak.ipsTooltip_top community.secondlife.com##.ipsReact_blurb and if you want to ghost specific thread categories of no interest, something like this (replace threadcat) community.secondlife.com##li:has(div>div>div>p>a:has-text(/THREADCAT1|THREADCAT2|THREADCAT3|\bwar\b/i)) example. community.secondlife.com##li:has(div>div>div>p>a:has-text(/français|Deutsch|日本語フォーラム|italiano|español|русски||\bwar\b/i))
  5. nah i dont care if they're still in game, i look at last login here on profile icon
  6. Hmm that would be nice but there's very little activity so they won't change the structure. Every year i leave for 6-9 months and then come back, all i see is even less users being active. Have a look at last years Mr&MrsAnonymoose Christmas thread and compare. Most are gone.
  7. Hahahaha ok talk to you later @ boobtooth Mastodon is a greek word, blending of mastos = breast and odontos = tooth.
  8. Oh ffs tell them to change the name, you can't believe how ridiculous it sounds if someone speaks greek and says the app is called boob tooth. -What;s you doing babe? -I am posting something on boob tooth... Ahahahaha
  9. Nothing, its like being on Youtube and also use Rumble, or playing Second Life and also play Opensims. Just less users and some different policies. If i used the bird (*Twitter) i would probably also use the boobtooth (*Mastodon, weird name for an app but whatever).
  10. Add U-Block to your browser and use these filters. community.secondlife.com##.ipsClearfix.ipsItemControls_right community.secondlife.com##li:has-text(reacted to a post) community.secondlife.com##.ipsType_light.ipsReactOverview_small.ipsReactOverview > ul That will remove emoticons from posts and the profile activity (If you don't know what U-Block is Google it)
  11. Interesting... are you in love with him? You wrote his name 4 times.. you can use he/his/him..
  12. Idk, Elon isn't some wall street nobody, trying to make his first million. Anyway we will see, the guy is a billionaire, i bet he has something interesting in his mind about Twitter
  13. Mhm me neither. Used to have a Business Facebook account while i was working for a well known telecommunications company and closed it back in 2011 after i left, only kept Instagram to chat with friends who like posting photos from exotic places they visit, like Polynesia, Reunion island etc. Twitter and similar meh, never liked it too much boring blah blah blah
  14. Why what's wrong with Twitter that needs to be saved? Looks active to me. All i see is a few american folks getting suspended for doxing or whatever and then crying about losing their social toy that they payed nothing for. Oh and Kanye, ahahaha who with his whole "I like Hitler" talk on Alex Jones was a bit wild but still he shouldn't had been suspended , liking doesn't break any law.
  15. Mhm my family land is also connected to a mountain (that was ours too when the country was a Kingdom) , visitors always got nervous at night especially if we talked about witches, ghosts, etc coming from forest. Used to have walks @11 pm - 2am as a child, nothing unusual in it just plenty of thorns. (no bears here, its safe)
  16. "easy to use product features that enable a delightful user experience..", sounds like someone coming from Lovense would qualify for the job.
  17. Somehow that never worked for my parents or grandparents, i always c-blocked them although 80 acres of land and 4 houses in it.
  18. @Linden Lab being apathetic again as always, even for Private Regions. Paying USD3000/annually for a region and left to deal with crap like this. That's why no big business ever took Second Life seriously, for 20 years.
  19. NICE . Now add a text field were we can add Private Regions to be excluded from your "Data collection/Bot Visits"
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