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Everything posted by Berksey

  1. This project looks pretty groovy. I've done a lot with particles, and yeah, it can be a little annoying fishing around in the dark and then checking the results over and over again. I know there's nothing new under the sun, but I like it when people have the ambition to take on a project like this. There are particle designing systems out there already, but yours looks pretty cool. I like some of the ideas you have for it. Layered effects are awesome, but true, you seldom see people using them in SL (I had a casual acquaintance with many game designers during college, myself). Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
  2. integer time = 2; ^ That's how it should read. If you don't have a semicolon at the end, it shouldn't even compile, though...
  3. It's easier to keep up with fewer threads. It's still the same topic, as far as I'm concerned. You're trying to get a turret gun to work properly, and making a new thread for a new development seems really only to serve as a way of spreading your desire for help into more hooks with bait, to use a fishing analogy. Technically, that would be considered spam by a great many people, and some might even consider it a bit, well, inconsiderate, to abandon a thread when it goes a day with no replies and make a new one asking for the same thing your last post in the first thread asked for. Regardless, it's here, and there's no point arguing the reasons for it. I just thought you'd want to know that a lot of people might tend to help someone less if they do the sort of things people usually only do if they feel their needs are more important than the people giving generously of their time and knowledge being able to keep up with topics and help people in an organized, rather than split-apart manner. It's just consideration for people who are helping you for free, is all. Don't worry about thanking me for anything, there probably isn't going to be any need for it.
  4. Making a second thread where your last one left off- - probably isn't the best way to go about getting people to keep helping you... Just saying. When I saw how long the last thread went without a reply, I gave you the gift of an excuse to post again in it without double-posting. For what it's worth, I'm studying up on rotations myself now, and if I can help you with any of this in any way, I'll come back and post what I find out. I know how frustrating it can be. Keep trying, keep studying, and if it's got the experts here hesitating to say anything for the moment, rest assured it's something that actually requires some patience, too.
  5. I honestly have no idea what to do about it, but I gotta say, that GIF looks cool as heck. ^-^; I can't stop watching it.
  6. I've met a Linden inworld, too (well, my alt has, and has the bear to prove it). They really do exist, and they really do try to make things better. ^-^
  7. And I'm bookmarking it now, too. That's info that everyone who does this kind of stuff needs at some point, and actually knowing how it works is invaluable.
  8. If a person just wants to track freebies from a vendor, they could have it send them a message letting them know who clicked on the vendor... Could get messy though. Or, hey, it could just store the data the same way a visitor counter does, and then you could retrieve it later with a chat command or something... Iunno how you'd get it to tell you which item it gave to them, but it might be possible somehow...
  9. I use a dialog menu that lists the names of people on the sim, then I click their name and send my attack bunnies after them. Useful topics to search for and read might include dialog menus (if you want to do manual targeting), llSensor(), getting avatar keys and using them, and how to make things move to target avatars. For my attack bunnies, the menu responds to clicking their name by rezzing the bunnies, sleeping for half a second, then shouting on a hidden channel for them to attack. They hear the command using llListen(), and the scripts inside them move them to the target every time they sense it's moved (about every half second they try to sense their target). Your project will of course work a little differently, but knowing about these things helped me a lot. Hope it helps to save you some time.
  10. I'm seconding the ten-degree thing, it could really make it a lot easier if it isn't crucial to have exactly that many sections to each wheel. And I think the project is really cool, too. I wanna see it when it's finished.
  11. Yeah that permissions thing is on purpose. Otherwise anyone could steal your texture uuid and use it without your, well, permission, you know? I wouldn't consider it an issue unless you assume it's okay to use people's stuff without their permission. Naturally, we all know you have only the best of intentions in your adventures in scripting. But yeah, there's a lot of those annoying little limitations you're going to encounter, due to persons who totally are nothing like yourself doing the unthinkable and actually abusing any function that doesn't have some sort of restrictive parameters. You could always try to create a script that opens their non-fullperm texture in a viewing window, then takes a screenshot, crops it in GIMP, resizes it to a higher resolution, and uploads it for you, but that stupid upload thing has issues with requiring the payment of inworld currency for the privilege of doing that... And then ignorant persons would simply assume you stole the texture anyway, rather than coming by it legitimately, via scripting. Hmmmm... I swear, if I can find a workaround for this, I will. Once all that permissions bulldoody is bypassed, you can use a script that ignores DMCA complaint emails, too. I think I saw one for free on the MP, it was 600L$ before, but someone copied it and gives it out free now, so others can resell it for 25L$. However, at the risk of going off-topic, I think that for now the wiki might be your best bet.
  12. Rezzers, I'm not even gonna go there.
  13. This is a neato thread. I'd probably cheap out and use one object and just have it change textures, but I like other people's solutions better..
  14. Temp is so obvious I'm not totally surprised I didn't think to mention it. Awesome idea.
  15. I can see a person having real issues making it say integers without the (string)integer bit, good thinking, Xijia. That was a major hangup for me when I was new, dealing with integers, strings, floats, etc.
  16. That's the thing though, setting them to change alpha values updates the prim so it dies properly, like people mentioned above my post. I used it a lot for grenades and bullets, on a sim that told me I had gone over if I had more then 16 prims rezzed. It put an end to the sim telling me I was over the rezz limit, so I presume my objects were dying properly due to the changes I made. To quote myself, "I've never had that problem since I started doing it."
  17. I've been in the habit for a long time of setting things to go transparent before they die. It's so that even if it doesn't die right away, it'll at least look like it did. I've never had that problem since I started doing it.
  18. Are you making something like a "pet" you can wear that moves independently of you (or appears to)? If so, a lot of stuff involving the position of the object could affect your avatar position. I've gotten better results by attaching such a thing to the avatar center, and sort of "faking" the apparent animation (by switching textures/alphas, rotating the attachment, etc.).
  19. Yeah, sorry if I came off a little harsh, myself. I know that weaponly things are a lot of fun and a major motivation to a lot of newer scripters, because I've already gone there... <-< from flaming bunny launchers to systems for "breaking" shields and all of that kind of stuff. As long as people are responsible, and aren't ruining anyone else's fun, then hey. And as long as everything complies with the TOS, you can make whatever you like, that's the kind of creative freedom SL is supposed to be about, and it's awesomely yay. But yeah, I'd be careful testing anything without warning people, and it's hard to find places that are "free-for-all" areas (places that let you shoot at people and use pushers and all) anymore, so there really aren't that many places where pushy bumpers wouldn't get a person scolded, or worse, kicked out (except for some particularly cruddy areas where griefing frequently goes unreported). I have a trunkful of cool things I can't really use inworld, but they were fun to make, anyway. Just be safe. It's easier to get into trouble than it is to get out of it.
  20. Well, yeah, you can always push yourself. And yay w00t congrats on being able to shove people. Oh, and if you find after a short while that nobody inworld replies to you when you try to chat with them, it'll be because they've derendered you for shoving people. Oh, and expect the ones who don't derender you to file ARs. Honestly, I think a far better solution would be to emigrate from the kiddie-pool newbie areas where people don't know how to walk and navigate yet, and stay clear of any landing zone on any sim, because people are going to bump into people no matter what. If someone's shoving you around on purpose though, why not just do what I and every other emotionally mature person in SL does, and simply make them vanish, so they can't push you (or anything you) anymore. It's easier than explaining why you're going around shoving people with a script. Shoving people for bumping into you just makes YOU look like a butt.
  21. That used to bother me a lot, until finally I started doing the same as others, unlinking and relinking everything. Real pain in the editor window though, when you have a lot of itsy bits that have to be in proper order. I really like the above ideas for dealing with that, though, naming the prims and calling them by name. For a long time I would just put a script in that told the link number of each prim in the linkset as it was clicked, and then I had to make sure to call the right link numbers in the main script, but your way is better.
  22. So basically, if someone bumps into you, you want to shove them. I was tempted to post code that made you fart repeatedly instead, but meh.
  23. Thank you for posting what you learned! And for not deleting everything!
  24. Yeah, I only found out about the particle editor a week or so ago, myself. It would have saved me a lot of typing on a lot of projects.
  25. I make a lot of things that animate avatars, and I like using dialog menus. If you look at animation scripts and dialog menu scripts, you'll have the basics to get started. If it's furniture, AVsitter is free and open source now like Chic mentioned, though I found it a bit too much for most of what I do; it does have the advantage though of being able to adjust height, and x/y positioning on furniture seats, and everyone who has ever sat on a sofa in SL has used their menu at some point. Really though, it all depends on what type of object it is, what type of animations they are, etc., how you go about it, and how simple or complex you find your own solution to be.
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