I've noticed that some friends have room for alot room snapshots than me. I like taking snapshots, but now I'm deleting old snapshots to make room for the newer ones. Is this because I'm not a premium member? Doing paying member have more snapshot capacity? Is there someone with great powers I may beg to increase my feed space?? Thanks Folks -- Second Life People are Awesome!! let me elaborate... I've never actaully counted, but let's say the total number of snapshots that will fit on my profile feed is 14. Example: I took 3 pictures today and I want to keep all of them but I will lose the oldest 3 snapshots in doing so. Therefore, It seems that my snapshot limit is fixed. EVEN if someone adds a comment, that also seems to cut down on my "fixed" limit and old snapshots disappear. If I go and delete some pictures in the middle of the profile feed, then the oldest snapshots will come back. More evidence that my profile feed has some kind of fixed limit. Now - I visit my friend's profile and they have ALOT of profile feed spaces, pages of pics and comments! I've asked some if they are premium members and the answers I get is some are premium members and some are not. So, it wouldn't seem to be that difficult of a questioned to be answered, but then again... this is second life! Is this a function of being a premium member? Is this a bug? Are some people lucky to have more profile feed space because of the version of their viewer? Hmmmm?!?!? And who do I have to talk to to get a larger profile feed space so I can keep more snapshots!?? and... Yes, I save pics to my computer, and I pay$10L to save pics to inventory, but I want to have the capacity to have many more snapshots on my profile feed. Thanks again!!! Happy Trails, Bobo Aug-15-16 Thank you everyone! I'm not sure who/how I was helped, but the "more" button has returned. I went to the Jira site and poked around, although I don't remember filing a report. Some kind soul helped me out I believe and that indeed was the answer. I hope this post helps others as unfortunately I lost alot of snapshots from my first two months from continually deleting pics to keep my feed looking "current", when there was no "more" button to scroll through all of my feedback. Thx!