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Absinthe Rumrunner

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  1. Updated my female avatar today and snapped a quick photo!
  2. A lady called Lynn messaged me in world, please could you message me again? My SL crashed and I can't remember your name off the top of my head!
  3. Hello! I have recently rented a homestead and put my house down but it is looking a little lonely on the plot by itself and I have no talent at all for outdoor decorating! I am looking to hire a landscaper although I have never done this before so I am not too sure where to start! If you know of anybody please feel free to contact me here or inworld to discuss details, but please be able to show me some examples of your previous landscaping work! Thank you, Absinthe. ♥ (photo of homestead and house attached for an idea of size/scale)
  4. I've been using my female avatar for a while now but finally decided to update my male avi!
  5. Playing around with a headpiece and collar from Zibska.
  6. It's been a while since I used my male avi so I decided to give myself a bit of a makeover!
  7. Trying to furnish my new apartment, although so far all I've done is stare at the wall for 3 hours.
  8. Relaxing at my friends home, clinging on to the last moments of summer!
  9. My avatars look is constantly changing right now, here's the look of the minute!
  10. Who said boys can't wear hoodies as dresses too?!
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