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Melisa Ellison

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  1. Tried this method out myself, with Vorpx and Firestorm. Works nicely for what it is. When running in mouse look view, the head tracking works as one would expect, for the most part. Turning was pretty smooth and didn't produce any "VR sickness". However, I found myself needing to move my mouse around a bit to recenter the view. And, indeed, the initial FOV does need adjustment. As compared to the native CV1 support in High Fidely, for example, I acutally felt more comfortable using this method in SL. Regardless, it's pretty amazing to walk and fly around random environments as though you were there. Obviously, there's work to be done on making a VR-centric interface, but if you simply can't wait to immerse yourself, this is a decent way to check it out.
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