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Everything posted by Lothiriel8

  1. Can you send me the info and LD inworld Bee ty...
  2. Hi ...i'd like to rent a Platform ...I am in need of a small one 30/40 prims ...is it possible?
  3. I am in need of 30 prims...i'd like to rent as well but with a convenient fee
  4. Ciao sono Lothi una giovane adulta AV che sta cercando un posto dove poter rezzare una piccola skybox se qualcuno ha una land e vorrebbe condividere un po' del suo spazio con me ne sarei felice....sapró come sdebitarmi ;)
  5. Yes ...i'm trying ....thank you ! ^^
  6. Hello I'm Lothi, a young adult av, and I'd like to find a little place where i can rez a little skybox...If someone has a big land and he/she doesn't use all the prims inside and needs a bit of company sometimes...I'd like to rez it in the sky as well! :D Thanks all...big kisses ♡
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