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Gigi Darkfury

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Posts posted by Gigi Darkfury

  1. yep im at that stage now always used firestorm but it crashes everytime i go anywherewith more than 5 people, crashes everytime i log out crashes when i tp... im no expert but ive been on sl like 5yrs and ive done all the usual fixes loaded by bandwidth, draw distance, set my settings to low for everything and still happens... i only updated because of the money thing not being able to trade, wish i hadnt bothered makes sl a night mare, can anyone recommend a better more stable viewer that is similar to phonix on firestorm> thanks

  2. I stick with this viewer as its the one i know and i can run it as phoenix .. but ever since i updated to the newest version it takes ages to TP and everytime i log out it crashes and i have to do task manager to shut it down as its not respondin. Wondered if anyone else had this problem and how they resolved it.  I only updated the viewer because of the notification about payments.


  3. Hi

    Ive just brought a new laptop and when i try and load sl I get just a continually flashing screen,  I google'd for some help and im using firestorm phoniex. It said on there website that sometimes windows 10 wont work with 64 bit so i uninstalled and still had the same prob using the 32 bit version.

    Here is my system info, i think the graphics is the prob it has a very basic intel set and then a radeon r5 set, there isn't an option like on my old Dell xps15 to choose which graphics to run it with..pls help im missing my sl!!

    thank you


    intel e core i5 6200 r5 radeon m335 and ive updated the drivers from radeon.

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