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Posts posted by NellFury

  1. 1 hour ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    ...is anyone aware of any previous attempts to prosecute LL for anything like this that has foundered on the safe harbour protection?

    That might speak to how likely SL is to be targeted in the near future, but it doesn't answer the question of whether a new risk has been opened up.

    I would say all it would take from either side of this equation would be for a bright spark to experiment with using SL as a cover for illegal activities, or for some other genius to decide existing activity is close enough to try and make a political name for themselves.

  2. On 16/04/2018 at 2:00 AM, Elinah Iredell said:

    real world  prostitutes start advertising  and trying to set up real life connections for illegal sex

    As fair disclosure, I;m writing from a part of the world where prostitution isn't illegal...

    This legislation isn't aimed at prostitution per se, it;s aimed at sex trafficking.  Perhaps people in the US can comment on whether legislators find it a happy coincidence that it makes business harder for non-trafficked prostitutes as well.  The confusion between the two seems telling.

  3. On 01/04/2018 at 2:57 AM, Bree Giffen said:

    Websites are only closing specific places where solicitations for real life prostitution are occurring.

    There are, or there used to be lots of places with voice and cam offerings.  How RL does it have to get?

    Also, the people who are really offering illegal services have had years of watching the pursuit of Backpage.  I'm sure they haven;t just packed up and found jobs at WallMart.  They'll be looking for alternative venues, as will the people who use those services. 

    The problem with this legislation is that it doesn't go after the people actually doing the trafficking, it just criminalises the services they use.  The people who are really behind the crimes are free to go and find other ways to do business, and you can bet that's exactly what they are doing.

  4. Thanks, I posted another example, but here is the complete version of the code I started with...


    // Counter Script
    // Nell Fury (nellfury) 2016
    // Test script for counter functions

    // Global variables

    string Ayy; // Option 1
    string Bee; // Option 2

    integer Listener; // Listener identity for menus

    string textFunction; // Idetifier for the text functions

    // end variables


    // Constants
    vector white_A             = <1, 1, 1>;          //ColorPaletteEntry17, "White"
    vector light_yellow        = <1, 1, 0.5>;        //ColorPaletteEntry25
    vector red                 = <1, 0, 0>;          //ColorPaletteEntry19, "Red"

    integer menuChannel = -935756365;   // Fixed comms channels
    integer textChannel = -415559366;

    // end constants

    // Functions

    nfTextBox(string textMsg, string menuOpt)
     llListenRemove(Listener); // Clean up the menu listener
     Listener = llListen(textChannel, "", llGetOwner(), ""); // Make a new one
     llSetTimerEvent(60.0);  // Set timeout
     llTextBox(llGetOwner(), textMsg, textChannel);

             llOwnerSay("Ayy = " + Ayy + "; Bee = " + Bee);

    // end functions

      llListenRemove(Listener);   // Make sure we're clean

     touch_start(integer total_number)
      llListenRemove(Listener);  // Make sure we're clean
      textFunction = "";
      if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) // Only respond to owner
              Listener = llListen(menuChannel, "", llGetOwner(), "");
                     // Send a dialog to owner, use a fixed negative channel number for simplicity
                     llSetTimerEvent(60.0); // Set timeout
                     llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Choose an option", ["A", "B"], menuChannel);

            listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
                    llOwnerSay("listen started");

                    if(chan == menuChannel)
                            if(msg == "A")
                                textFunction = "A";
                            if(msg == "B")
                                textFunction = "B";

                    if(chan == textChannel)
                            if(textFunction == "A")
                                Ayy = msg;
                            if(textFunction == "B")
                                Bee = msg;
                            textFunction = "";

                    // Fire the timer  and clean-up

      //      Stop listening
                    if(textFunction != "")
       nfTextBox("Enter a value for " + textFunction, textFunction);
      // Clean up function after use
      textFunction = "";
      llOwnerSay("performing calculations on self timer…");


  5. As a follow up, I tried this example from the wiki page on llSetTimerEvent

    It fails too...  The timer event does fire, every time the llSetTimerEvent call is made

    // The timer event will never fire.
            // Sensor every 2.5 seconds
            llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, FALSE, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5);
            llSay(0, "I will never happen.");
            llSay(0, "Well, unless llSensorRepeat() magically finds something,"+
                        "or maybe there's 2.5+ seconds of lag and the timer()"+
                        "event queues.");

  6. I'm writing a calculator with a menu function.

    Whenever I call the timer with llSetTimerEvent, the timer fires immediatly and again after the specified interval.  This seems contrary to the documentation and examples I'm seeing.

    So, if I write this code:

                     llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Choose an option", ["A", "B"], menuChannel);

                     llSetTimerEvent(60.0); // Set timeout

    And after that, clean up the listener in the timer event, the timer fires immediatly, killing my listener, and again at 60 second intervals.

    Is this correct behaviour?  The documetation for llSetTimerEvent seems to suggest the timer event should only occur after the specified period, not immediatly.

  7. Hi, I have some things I'm building that have a few scripts in them.


    It's handy to leave them out at home so I don't have to keep taking them into inventory and lay them out again every time I come back to it.  But having the scripts running all the time does add to lag...


    I know I can stop the scripts individually, but is there a way to stop all of them across a number of linked prims?  I'd like to be able to stop all the code while I work on the physical aspects of what I'm doing.


  8. Hi, I'm just trying out a new mesh body.

    For some years I've worn a bangle on my wrist that I use to keep some scripts and things. But with the mesh bodies, the hands attach to the forearms and I can't find an attachment point that just keeps the bangle in place on my forearm...

    Is there any solution to this?

    I imagine the BDSM folks might have come across the problem as well, but I can't see any discussion of it. I could wear it on my upper arm, but that would get in the way of clothes. I could just find something else, but I like my bangle...
  9. I'm just coming back to SL after being away for a while and I'm keen to try a mesh body.  But there's one thing I don't get.


    There are a few people selling shapes for the different mesh bodies.  I know this sounds like a newbie thing, but doesn't the mesh body define it's own shape?  I've read a lot about adjusting them for clothes etc and clothes being tailored for the popular mesh bodies.  Is this just settings for the mesh body that you buy?  And if so, doesn't that mean that things won't fit again?


    Please help me, I want to understand what I'm getting before I spend any money on things.

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