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Everything posted by Talligurl

  1. Often fiction brings us closer to the truth than non fiction. Classic liturature gives us tremendous insight into the truth of the human condition. The Bible does not have to be an account of literal facts in order to be true. If man can teach us profound things through fiction, why couldn't God? Again the fact that some Biblical events are extremely unlikely to have actually occured, does not in any way prove that he writing were not inspired. The intent is not to teach us history, but to teach us about ourselves and about God.
  2. Obviously inspiration is accepted by faith, I am not attempting to argue that the inspiration of any particular text can be proven, only that the circumstance of a text being written cannot prove that it isn't inspired. There is a big difference between proving something is and proving that it is not.
  3. It could, most deists however would draw a distinction between Inspired texts for the express purpose of communicating the deity's will to mankind, and other writings that have other purposes even though the deity may well be in control of the content as well as evrything els ein Creation.
  4. This fact in no way proves that it was not divinely inspired. the deity very well could have used that oral tradition to bring the Bible to mankind. People are always trying to point to the history of the text to somehow prove it is just another human writing, but nothing in the history actually proves this. It only tells us the mechanism that the deity used to bring it into being if in fact it is inspired.
  5. Working on my latest art project.
  6. I live with these people every day. A big part of the reason I come to SL is to escape and be able to express what I really think.
  7. I am not trying to convince anyone otherwise. My intent was only to express an opinion on why a particular group says the things they typically say. Of course I am being naive again when I think anyone cares about understanding why others do what they do. Everyone just wants to shout thier own opinion while covering thier ears.
  8. In my opinion, Young Earth Creationists do not "dismiss" science. The have a very high regard for science, so much so that they are convinced God must have written a scientific text when He wrote the Bible. In thier minds since God's science disagrees with man's science, man's science must be wrong.
  9. Lots of things are abused, we do not reject all forms of them. Abuse of alchohol does not make one a tetotoaler. Abuse of sex does not make one abstainate, Abuse of government does not make one an anarchist. Much good had been done in the name of religion as well, but that heys ignored by those who want to reject it.
  10. That of course is an unprovable assumption.
  11. Since when is this true. Many things we can prove today, were not provable in the past. Did those things not exist until we were able to prove them?
  12. Just because evolution or God are to complicated for us to fully understand in no way proves either are false.
  13. I think we need more information about just what issue you are having.
  14. Of all the things they could change to make things better, this is way down on the list,
  15. I once had another woman, out of the blue, thank me for making Second Life a better place by being in it. Still one of the best moments ever in SL.
  16. It's a nice thing to do, the world needs more nice people. Why in the world would you discourage that.
  17. Oh, well I never churn out TPs, I do sometimes churn out Notecards with a landmark attached, but I am "please stop bye when you get a chance" not "Come right now"
  18. If these diferences keep the Hamberg people from visiting the Chicago people's sim, wouldn't they also tend to mean the hamberg prople wouldn't be very interested in the Chicago people's products?
  19. Hmmm, I will confess to sending out a notification when i have an exhibition, though I do not have that many of those, not quite sure what you mean by mass, I have had friends who used to send me multiple TPs a night to the club where they ar DJing. I never send more than one per show, though they are mass in the sense that they go out to virtually everyone.
  20. If you don't feel the need. Then don't get one. You may encounter some people who look down on you because you are not mesh, but you are already out there without mesh so you know what people in your circle of friends think. If you aspire to be an SL model you need mesh, escorts and strippers probably need mesh too. But if you are happy with the avi you have now, there is no reason to change.
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