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  1. Well, it happens that I used to use Firestorm normally, And it was very well. After a long time, I left Second Life, and I came back but the problem is that is very laggy, even in sims where no one is there, just me, I don't know how to fix this, I really want to enjoy my SL again, I lowered the graphics, and a lot of things, I tried other viewers but still the same problem, I have deleted things from my notebook, so its not so heavy, and still bad. I have a HP ProBook 6440b notebook and it uses Windows 7, I guess something has or is influencing to be so bad, can someone please help me? What can I install, update, to make my SL fast and easy again? To the way it used to be. I had other notebook with Windows 8 and it worked perfectly but it crashed, and I have this one now. Please help!
  2. Bueno, sucede que yo antes usaba Firestorm normalmente, y me andaba super bien. Después de un largo tiempo, dejé Second Life, y volví, pero sucede que me anda muy lagueado, y ya no sé como arreglarlo, he bajado los gráficos y un montón de cosas, pero me sigue mal, he intentado con muchos visores, pero sigue igual, he eliminado cosas de mi notebook, para que no este tan pesado, y sigue mal. Tengo un notebook hp Probook 6440b y usa Windows 7, supongo que algo debe o esta influyendo para que me ande tan mal, alguien por favor me puede ayudar? Que hago? Que puedo instalar, actualizar, para que mi Second Life vuelva a ser como antes era? Tenía otro notebook pero se estropeó y me funcionaba perfectamente SL. Ayuda por favor!
  3. Hello, i'm searching for a pale skin for Maitreya Lara Body, with eyebrows big or filled, all the skins I found are with dark tones, the eyebrows are just a simple line and the lips are ugly. I have the Sora Skin, but doesn't work with the Maitreya, and I need one new, please help. (Something soft, like the skins who wear the owner of Moon Hairs, something like that)
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