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Everything posted by suzyst

  1. suzyst

    1024 roadside

    1024m2 roadside, 5120L$ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Venn/225/71/26
  2. Sloping waterfront, 5184 m2 . Quiet neighbours L$25,000 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bolsena/149/79/22
  3. Well I've learned something reading it so yes, you have made a point. :)
  4. Then do it. You're obviously not out to hurt anyone and your rl is no ones business. There is a DJ I suspect may not be a real elf, but she does do great sets. There's a Dragon I have doubts about too, but he made a great viewer for photography. Both enhance my experience of SL so I'm not going to complain. There are thousands of furries, demons, lycans etc. wandering around who probably wouldn't survive close scrutiny, but there is no great outcry about them being decietful. Get out there and have fun
  5. Latest update out yesterday, body 5.1 (not 5.01) fixes the glitches and a few other things. Just not the toenails, which is the only thing that's bugging me.
  6. Simplest solution seems to be use Black Dragon viewer. Using the inbuild poser you can save poses and recall them and move and rotate the avi without loosing the pose.
  7. On behalf of all the geeky kids who had their teens messed up by unatural expectations and peer pressure, I'd like to give the senior management at hallmark a Chicago style V day
  8. Only problem now is the nails are now BOM resistant. Using system alphas with some of my shoes and boots I end up with toenails floating in front of the shoe.
  9. Must admit first attempts to use black dragon didn't last long, after using firestorm for years I found the interface too confusing. This thread and the links to the blog and tutorials have got me interested. I'm still using firestorm for most of my inworld time, but switching more to BD for serious pics. Thanks to Niran for making it and everyone else for the useful info.
  10. One of the reasons I avoid that brand of head. I'm blonde, what use is a brain to me ?
  11. It's 2020,you would think by now that someone would have noticed we are no longer limited by the mechanical limitations of a century ago and don't need to use a keyboard designed to be the most difficult for people to use.
  12. Thanks for the advice.I'll feel more secure during the restart earthquakes now
  13. I go along with what everyone else has said, would just add I hate that drink animations either pour the drink in my lap or try to push it up my nose.
  14. I My terraforming skills leave something to be desired but I've managed to make something livable from this sloping beachfront
  15. Region for sale, 20k prims, NOT grandfathered. Tier due 2019-11-18 ( USD 229.00 ). $300 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/suzys/122/130/21
  16. Just confirming what you've already been told. I was put off even trying XCITE in my early days by the amount of spam it generated in local chat in adult clubs. Everything Orwar has said about VAW is correct, I'll just add functionality is pretty good, I've tested it extensively . If you do decide to get it I'd avoid using the giving others access option, the animations are less than convincing when the avi's involved are a foot apart. I've used it with system, TMP, Maitreya and Altamura bodies and it works well with all of them. The other intimate parts sold by VAW I'm less than enthusiastic about , fitting can literally be a pain in the rear end. There are also bento bits available now, I haven't tried them so can't comment on them but they may be worth investigating.
  17. Don't be silly, twitter would go out of business overnight
  18. Oh good grief NO! I can (just about) remeber how awful my avi looked 4 years ago, dread to think how bad it would look on an ancient version
  19. That does seem to be a sensible thing to do and I'm sure others have done the same, and you all did it without whining on the forums
  20. Typical, thousands of premium members are hitting refresh hoping to get one of these homes and someone who has been lucky enough to get one is complaining about a minor cosmetic thing that could be fixed with 5 mins work and a little imagination.
  21. Or even a better name. I suspect there would be less adverse reaction if they called it "Linden Labs financial services", which is a fairly accurate description of what it is.
  22. That place is beyond saving , we need to resurect Guy Fawkes
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