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Everything posted by LadyRijna

  1. They are private regions not mainland.
  2. I am looking to sell my sim for the fees I owe now and any cost to be paid directly to Linden Labs. I have two 30000 prim sims that are side by side. Fees are 478.00 to be paid to Linden Labs and whatever the transfer fees are. I had a series of seizures and lost my job after owning the sims for quite some time. I have a premium membership and have been in SL for a long time and would like to hang onto my account. Please contact me if you are interested. Ladyrijna Resident any offline messages go to my email.
  3. I have been trying to get in touch with LL for two days now during open hours on the phone and live chat. I'm a premium member can't get anyone. Filed a ticket no resolve. Can someone please contact me if there is a Linden out there that monitors these Forums. Please and thank you?
  4. non humans are not children question answered
  5. So let us believe your story. You said prior that you want your role play to be as realistic as possible that is why you are fighting so fervently to keep the modesty coverings from the child avatars. Give us a realistic scenario of what a role play would be that would entail two people having no modesty coverings on a child avatar and the necessity for it to not be there. In detail. I am intrigued to hear this as I can not find it in my mind to find that scenario. You believe it let us hear your reasoning.
  6. then stop commenting
  7. And like I said initially those who have reason are the ones who cry loudest about the issue.
  8. True sorry, there are just some people that it's absolutely pointless to speak to them. No one is trying to neuter anyone or anything. It's just the reality of the world we live in. There are just bad people out there that prey on others and the only way to make it a safe environment for everyone is to make one rule for everyone to follow. When Linden Labs began none of the avatars had genitalia they all had modesty coverings. Everyone hated it of course and there was a time when the adult avatars were segregated from the child avatars, there was a height requirement. I am not sure if that is something people would rather see happen. I know there are families now. I guess my next question would be, would we rather give up our family units to be segregated again or give a little to the modesty which is not really that much of an inconvenience?
  9. You are one of the ones exacerbating everything. That's absolutely absurd. Linden Labs even posted pictures of the avatars with the coverings. Creators know what they are doing that is wrong. If it looks like a child use common sense and cover up the breast and behind for goodness sakes. If it doesn't have them then don't be stupid. A box or a mushroom isn't going to have breast or a behind. Get a grip! People like you are what is wrong with the world and most likely you are one of them walking around with a two foot child avatar dressed like a porn star. That's what Linden Labs wants stopped.
  10. I see your point truly. However perhaps this move by Linden Labs will make it a safer environment for people who use this platform as a sort of therapy on some level. Unfortunately the real world there are predators that in fact prey on people such as you are speaking about and Linden Labs decision to do this in fact will protect them from others who are not as innocent as perhaps they are. I never meant to imply that all people who play on child avatars have ill intent but I have seen quite a bit unacceptable behavior in SL and it has accelerated in recent years That blanket of protection goes both ways. If a person is vulnerable mentally and experiences someone with ill intent, the damage could possibly be far worse theoretically than what they experienced as a child. I do apologize if my initial post sounded as though I judged everyone on child avatars as being somehow malicious, that was not my intent I assure you. I have friends who are in fact child avatars. They have their own reasons for it. That said I have never seen them undressed nor wearing adult genitalia but I have been out in public places and seen others doing so and wondered what the point in that was, they were also with adult males being carried by men with groups in their profiles like "Old Men for Young Girls". I believe this is the kind of thing Linden Labs is seeking to get a handle on more so than trying to target those with a child like nature who enjoys living that part of their spirit.
  11. @Luna Bliss I think it's the best we can do, but I don't think you should assume those with a child avatar who would prefer to look like a real boy or girl intended to want this for inappropriate purposes. No need to denigrate others to make a point. That's the thing isn't it. They aren't real boys and girls. They are adults.
  12. I just want to commend Linden Labs on the changes being made to the child avatars in Second Life. It has long been a subject of discussion amongst adults in the community who feel creators have been an over whelming factor into furthering unacceptable behavior in world and making it an uninviting place for actual adults to be. I know it seems an unpopular decision with some at the moment but for the safety of everyone I believe the right decision has been made and in the end Second Life will be more prosperous for it. We have to ask ourselves for those who speak loudest against having modesty covers on the genitalia of the child avatars? Why? If you were not using them for inappropriate purposes and keeping them covered, why is it an issue for you to now have the modesty covers in place. Are you now slighted in some manner? You shouldn't be. If you were in fact not doing anything that was inappropriate and keeping the child covered with no adult attachments, then there is in fact no change for you. The change will affect those who know they were using them inappropriately; Linden Labs could have abandoned it all together and pushed for a height and size requirement.
  13. I had the same problem she not only reclaimed the baby we owned, banned us from the sim so we could not have the baby redelivered rendering everything and all the money we had put into it useless. She's a con artist. This is a bad creator to deal with and I wouldn't advise her product to anyone. Apparently, this is a wide spread problem, I wonder when Linden Labs is going to wise up about this woman.
  14. 30000 prim full region private island (not connected to the mainland) selling for 325.00 plus the transfer fee please IM me inworld ladyrijna.........
  15. I have a private island for sale, 30000 prim. If you wouldn't mind paying the 325.00 tier I owe and the 100.00 transfer fee. I would be willing to sell it to you. Please message me inworld. Ladyrijna I would need a few days to get moved off the parcel.........thank you
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