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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Itching to know why and what happens. Like a gossiping fish wife. I just cant help myself. Do keep us fully informed. I might add I have two infractions against me on the forums and have to watch my etiquette these days, and I live in dread of being banned in SL for something I didnt realise was naughty.
  2. Wow Mint and Ingrid ! Digital treasure ! Thankyou Oh I might add Ive still got a copy of the electric guitars !
  3. You think that's weird ? Two nights ago my boat control reversed itself ! I use WASD and the W key took the boat backward and the D key forward now that was weird. The next night it worked as normal again !
  4. Hi. Gorgeous low lag 1024m plot with protected waterfront outlook - 15K $L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scimitar/231/146/40
  5. lol - re ultra policing the forum. About three months ago I crafted a wonderful post with pics and gif clips of our group tour of the old lands culminating in an impromptu disco in the Queens Head in Belli. It took an hour to collate. It was deleted and I was banned for a day too. I called it 'Boozy Bellisseria' and that caused great offence apparently. I've rarely bothered posting since.
  6. Hi Folks. Well I attempted to convert lindens into dollars into my paypal account, about a week back now. Everything in SL dashboard says its paid and cleared. But there is no sign of the funds in my paypal account and I did not get the funds cleared email I used to get either. Oh and I havent been asked for any extra ID by Tillia either. Any suggestions advice what to do next ?
  7. 10$l hud that scans for rez zones. Handy dandy. A few years back I made great use of the 'University' sims. There were lots of them, all gone now. Sometimes like 12,000 prims available with no auto return. Happy days, practicing building up in the sky out of sight and a boundless supply of prim allowance. Happy, happy days. Sometimes I wish I was still a hobo and not a fattened old timer drunk on the delights of life in Bellisseria.
  8. Ouchies. Anyway I'd go to opensim to wean myself off loosing sl, slowly. I don't like opensim, after I tried it and saw the jaw dropping amount of content theft from sl there, but loosing sl 'cold turkey' would be bad for my state of mind, (scripting and building withdrawl ), and opensims the closest alternative I know of. As for Sansar I cannot understand why so much resource would be poured into it. Maybe it will take off in popularity in 3 / 5 / 10 years time, but the suggested drain on resources cannot go on for that long. Can it ? Cheers all and long live SL !
  9. Just asking - Use Edge not Chrome to fill the form in ?
  10. I ripped out firestorm, and clean installed the latest 32 bit version, on this AMD 64bit pc, and bingo the problems gone.
  11. Hi SL'ers. I upgraded to the new firestorm last night on a clean install. Well now I have a graphics problem I last saw when I used to use Singularity a couple of years back. In a nutshell lots of textures focus, blur again, refocus, blur again, on a repeating cycle. Its awful. A pic of the blur effect below. So those tropical ferns (and the pond wall) focus, then blur, 2 seconds later they resolve again, 2 seconds later it blurs again, in a never ending cycle. Please bear in mind it was all fine before. Graphics is AMD Radeon on a quad core cpu I'm in the graphics preferences right now but confess to being clueless what to try. Any graphics tips / advice appreciated thanks.
  12. The new lands of Bellisseria have created a resurgence if anything. If you do decide to try it again check out the links below: Bellisserian Link List
  13. Art for arts sake Money for Gods sake 10CC - Art for Arts sake
  14. Here's the youtube link to sl's TV with all the videos and interviews and everything: Bookmark it or llDie() SL4Live - TV And while I am verbose, heres SL's radio stream for such events if you just want the audio - it's NOT 24/7 - http://sl16b2.luschaudio.com:8516
  15. Regarding costs to have a 'cherished plate' surname ... Patch enquired inworld what, generally, people would consider paying for such a feature. I went in at 9.99 usa dollars, but others were willing to pay 99 dollars and the highest bid was 200 usa dollars. So I upped my expenditure to 19.99 usa dollars, " and not a cent more" if I may quote myself at the time. But I see from above posts I may have to to stretch to 25 - 35 usa dollars. If its 25 I will mumble and pay. If its 35 I will mumble, grumble, for a week, then pay. If its above 35 I will have to seriously rethink my options
  16. The last money tree I knew of was at The Shelter, out the back. But last visit it was gone So I've built a new magic money apple tree Anyone can play it here ! Enjoy ! - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scimitar/239/139/39
  17. Somehow I got the free 50's diner out of that vist !
  18. And then we get to fashion .. and you get this. Whatever and whoever this is supposed to attract is beyond me. No one is dressing like this. No one is buying this. No one wants to join SL so they can wear their hair backwards, dressed in a bin bag with a dish cloth. Howls ! For what it's worth.
  19. Selectable last names is a cash cow waiting to happen, I for one would be willing to part with 10 bucks usd for a 'cherished plate'. . Make it so, LL. I was at the speech yesterday and understand the code goes deeper than deep, and therefore we may need to be patient a while yet.
  20. Well, if you want 2048m of land it will cost more, yes.
  21. Gosh. Reading all eleven pages of this thread was an emotional roller coaster of a ride for me. The peak being this quip from a well know stalwart "I knew I should have never logged back in but I listened to the other half's offer of a mesh body." Raised a smile and I don't mind admitting it. So. In the cold light of day I did a little math. (99 x 100) / 365 = 27.123. What else could one buy for 27 USA cents a day ? Furthermore, I could even go non premium and play for free ! In summary, SL is still a great deal imho.
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