Hey there, I'm really new to the whole scripting business and I have found a script online for a sliding door, the full script also has colision which I don't want (for some reason my breedables can open the doors). Anyway I'm only using a portion of the script to make it open or close on click, and I'd love to make it close automatically, but everytime I add that portion of the script in I get a syntax error. Heres the script with the time section added in: // Sliding door
// Handles the touch event.
vector delta = <0.0, 1.8, 0.0>; // amount to move door
// when we open it
vector closed_position; // original position of the
// door when closed
// Processing for the script when it first starts up
default {
// What we do when we first enter this state
state_entry() {
closed_position = llGetPos(); // Save position when door is closed
state closed; // Move to the closed state
// Processing for the script when it is in the closed state
state closed {
// What we do when we first enter this state
state_entry() {
llSetPos(closed_position); // Move door to closed position
// What we do when the door is clicked ("touched") with the mouse
touch_start(integer total_number) {
state open; // Move to the open state
// Processing for the script when it is in the open state
state open {
// What we do when we first enter this state
state_entry() {
llSetPos(closed_position + delta); // Move door to open position
// What we do when the door is clicked ("touched") with the mouse
touch_start(integer total_number) {
state closed; // Move to the closed state
// What to do when the timer goes off
llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Set the timer to 0.0 to turn it off
// Processing for the script when it is in the open state
state open {
// What we do when we first enter this state
state_entry() {
llSetPos(closed_position + delta); // Move door to open position
llSetTimerEvent(delay); // Set the timer to automatically close it
// What we do when the door is clicked ("touched") with the mouse
touch_start(integer total_number) {
state closed; // Move to the closed state
// What to do when the timer goes off
llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Set the timer to 0.0 to turn it off
state closed; // Move to the closed state
} I've highlighted the line that is giving me the syntax error, but I can't see where I've gone wrong, I'd appreciate all the help I can get, thank you.