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Izzy Stipe

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Posts posted by Izzy Stipe

  1. My object currently uses 3 scripts. One to change the texture of a face, another to change the textures on numerous faces, and a script that rezzes different objects. What I've done is create a prim for each of these scripts, add the scripts to their own respective prim, and linked those prims to the main object.

    I'd like to have all three options available on a single click on a single prim. Is there a script on sale that allows me to build a main menu easily?

  2. I'm building an object that contains 8 faces and setting up a notecard config for a texture changing script. Problem is, one of the faces is listed as ALL_SIDES instead of a number. The 8th face is the only one that I couldn't find while clicking through the different faces, so I'm assuming "ALL_SIDES" is the 8th face.

    I tried both 0 and 8 for the notecard config file but neither worked. Also tried "ALL_SIDES". Any ideas?

  3. So I've been investing money on quality animations and furniture, so much that the animations themselves (PG mind you) have taken up a lot of my initial budget. Sex sells, but holy crap the full perm animations are so expensive! Not sure if I'll be able to make a return on investment after buying them.

    Have adult animations improven the sales of your items?

    Does anyone know a store that sells some good animations for a fair price?

  4. Are there any websites where I could buy meshes created by other users, and am allowed to use them for commercial use in Second Life? I'm basically looking for purchasable mesh objects with unrestricted permissions, if it's allowed of course.

  5. I'm preparing a home to sell but need a way for the potential buyer to demo it. I don't own land, so I figured the next best thing to do is to add a timed demo script to the house. If I do this is there any possiblity a person will find a way to exploit the script and make it useless?

  6. I'm getting ready to release my first mesh home in the marketplace for Second Life and need a way to let the potential customer preview a home they're thinking about buying. Problem is I don't own any land and can't really afford to right now. Would it be a good idea to create a timed demo of the product?

  7. Sorry to bother you all again...

    I've succesfully created a layer for the AO map and applied it to SL... but did not expect the alpha sorting bug.




    The video shows the AO layer at 50%, and the same bug occurs at 0% transparency. All four AO walls share the same material shown below.



    I noticed other mesh houses are able to pull it off without the bug, specifically the Skye Forest Cabin. I have no idea how though.

    Anyone know a workaround for this?

  8. I took some time to examine some mesh homes in the market and noticed how the lighting on the meshes divide/split as well. Just wanted to make sure the lighting looked fine with the Advanced Lighting Module disabled, since not everyone can have it enabled without a huge performance hit.

    Guess it's unavoidable. Apologies to everyone.

  9. Thank you for the response. The shading looks like it's working well in the preview, but when placed near a light source I can see the where the lighting is being divided.


    I tried both generating normals and not generating normals and got the same result.

    Hate to ask this, but is it possible for you or anyone else to take a quick look at the Blender file, test it out, and figure out what I've done wrong? I'd be forever thankful.



    This the raw model, before any modifications.

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