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Posts posted by SamsonMcgarrett

  1. I'm sure this question gets asked a lot, but here goes. 

    Not to long ago, I invested in a pretty nice male avatar from Egoisme. 


    The body isn't even mesh, but the head is and that's where I believe my problem is. Ever since the concept of a 'jelly doll' has become widespread in Second life, I have been told quite often that I am indeed in that state. If I'm naked (without genitals) I'm just under most users complexity threshold. With clothes on, I'm often over. If I'm naked and I attach genitals, once again I am in jelly form.



    Needless to say, I'm dissappointed that I may have to scrap this entire avi, but I will if I have to. So my question is two fold:

    1. Is there a way to salvage this avi, somehow reducing it's complexity. 

    2. If not, does anyone know of a low complexity, but nice looking avi for a man. I looked at full mesh avatars a while ago and was disappointed with what was available for men. If there have been any advances, I don't know about it. So a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


    I appreciate your help!


  2. I apologize in advance if this question is too noobish. I've been attempting to animate a large ship that currently sits about 86 prims. So, I've been researching how to get the physics weight below 32 and have been playing with converting prims to "convex hull". However, when I do so, it always increases the land impact. This is someone else's build but it seems to me that they are all simple prims, not sculpties and certainly not mesh. 

    So, when I try to edit an individual prim in the linkset, for some reason the land impact increases by about 20. Any ideas as to why this is happening?



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