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Posts posted by Synndalicious

  1. Good Day!
    I have just become a premium plus member and I can't wait to get into another home! 
    Is there an easy way to pack up all my stuff from my Belli home to get ready to move into my new house?
    I've been in Beli for 5 yrs now so I'm not sure of the process of getting a new home.
    Any and all help is appreciated 

  2. Could it also have something to do with viewer settings? Absolutely I think this could be the problem as I also have to dumb down my settings in Belli    I know on Wikki there is something about viewer settings that helped me at one time 

    7 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    What are your friend's graphics settings? I find in Bellisseria I have to use a custom setting with low draw distance and stepped down one level to get good performance. Your friend may want to derender plants and trees temporary to start with that can make an improvement of their computer doesn't have to render them


  3. 6 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

    Sure it wasn't ONE house and ONE Boat?

    Usually you get the same shown several times before the server realizes it's been taken.


    I'm positive it was 2 houses and 3 boats all back to back within 5 mins  but thanks for asking today is a new house finding day! good luck to all those that are still patiently waiting !


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