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Everything posted by IxDarkBeatzxI

  1. yes that is the last thing we seen ----> https://gyazo.com/05f6d49940dc70a2ddc09ec947132d85
  2. I am putting up a screen shot of what it says ----> https://gyazo.com/0a2aa6ab6a24c951bf594656b25bf13b
  3. Hello everyone id like to know if anyone else is experienceing problems with second life cause me and my fiancee are not able to log into second life at all everytime we try to it says that despite our best efforts it cant connect or w.e so im just wondering if second life is down or not?
  4. I am trying to figure out how you get money without buying if u cant afford to put money into the game so if anyone could help Me out I heard their was jobs u can do to earn the in game currency but idk where or how to get to said jobs if anyone could help Me out it will be much appriciated.?
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