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Posts posted by Proto99

  1. Yes, it might seem to you everything around you turned into mesh. But then again, it all was mesh from the beginning. A prim is a mesh, every avatar was always a mesh. The viewer is build to interact up to some point with mesh. You can use the sliders to change the looks of your avatar. That works for the user made mesh bodies too. Up to a point ofcourse, every software and platform has it's limits and they always will. That never changed. As to editing meshes that are not avatars, you can edit them. Resize, rotate, move, just like any classic prim cube can be edited. How much you can edit them is up to the creator. Just like it always was from the start. 

    I really like this part :)

    i notice,they change the starting avatar,but the default body and shape are still the same..
    as none of those mesh avatar are mod,or can even fit together,what is making all those mesh worst than ever,
    keep in mind this is my opinoin nothing more,
    i will keep build whit the inworld posibility as i like walk in it and make script(basic),
    and if you see a prim avatar scripted it me :)

  2. so they force people to get in to 2 group ,the builder and the no builder,

    i need to get an viewer from os grid,to export my object..

    why we cant make animation in second life...will it be so hard do make it so,

    avastar,why it not an update of the second live viewer letting people edit there mesh avatar in world,

    Sorry of my frustration,but why,will it be so hard,

    you turn every thing in mesh ,but the viewer is not suitable,to even edit a mesh.....

    Anyway,i dont build anymore,i made a slot,i will get rich :D

  3. i buy an hud that teleport randomly ,it fun,some time i fall in bdsn club,then fall in pony stall,then in this water protected lands,then an overlag club full of mesh and moving texture,a wonderfull lands of fantazy,i fall on the moon last night,popup home(orb)...find a shop of old time lot of texture almost free,
    there is forgotten world in sl.

    travel using stargate,/d to go to random door

  4. may i suggest an merge prim option in the viewer ,to make more complex shape using less prim count,as when you upload mesh,it will consider how much value the new shape complexity.using the outside surface of the merged prim,

  5. I left sl for 6 month,and now i get to the same dilemma

    when i build whit prim,i feel like my build is ugly,

    But i like to walk in my build as i build it ,interact,whit the object.see light and colore.

    I can build mesh,but it out of sl,in an emptis space,i came in sl upload and go back build offline,

    builder in sl are AFK,and the people talking look at you whit big eyes when you talk about build,because they are hanging in sl,

    and yes i do know there is nothing can do about it,that the dilemma,

    Stay inworld and build crap or leave sl,and build mesh in empties space.

    I might try play mindcraft,there every people build crap ,but they have fun together.

  6. Now it asking permision to the owner if bob can tip julie...still not work..

        money(key id, integer amount)
            Total += amount;
            string str = (string) [Loginname, "'s Tip Jar.\nL$", amount," Was Donated last!\nL$", Total, " Donated so far" ];
            llSetText(str, <1,1,1>, 1);
            llInstantMessage(id,"Thanks for the tip!");
            llInstantMessage(id, llKey2Name(id) + " donated L$" + (string) amount );
        run_time_permissions(integer perm)
            if (perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT)
                llTransferLindenDollars(tid, amount);
                llWhisper(0,"Thanks for the tip!");
  7. i try to make a tip jar,but it keep give the money to the owner of the tip jar.,

    i can get the id from the one tiped,

    money(key id, integer amount)
            Total += amount;
            string str = (string) [Loginname, "'s Tip Jar.\nL$", amount," Was Donated last!\nL$", Total, " Donated so far" ]; 
            llSetText(str, <1,1,1>, 1);
            llInstantMessage(id,"Thanks for the tip!");
            llInstantMessage(id, llKey2Name(id) + " donated L$" + (string) amount );

     as i owne the tip jar the tip will all get to me.

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