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Evah Baxton

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Everything posted by Evah Baxton

  1. I might be repeating someone here ... but serious ... trying to find something to wear to go out and find something to wear.
  2. Land returns a NULL_KEY, but water doesn't appear to return anything. Take a look at this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlWater Looks like you could use this to find out if your plane is below or at the surface of the water (in order to change modes.) You'll have to mess around with buoyancy for this mode. I don't think it will act exactly as it does on land. It will need to act like a boat / seaplane.
  3. You could try a ray. float updateFreq = 0.5; //How often the ray checks for ground float rayLength = 0.25; //How far down the ray looks for ground default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(updateFreq); } timer() { vector start = llGetPos(); vector end = start - <0.0, 0.0, rayLength>; list results = llCastRay(start, end, [RC_MAX_HITS, 1] ); if(llList2String(results, 0)=="0") { //Set flying state llSetText("AIR",<1.0,0,1.0>,1.0); } else { //Set grounded state llSetText("GROUND",<1.0,0,1.0>,1.0); } } }
  4. If there were no threat of anyone taking your free speech away ... nobody would ever question your opinion or your ability to speak as you please ... In that scenario could you EVER tell yourself ... "this post might be harmful to someone somewhere. I'll avoid it." I get the whole free speech battle, but just stop for a second and realize that yeah ... I can say whatever I want all the god damn time ... but should I always say whatever I "want" to say?
  5. It's ironic that you demand others know the rules and suffer your actions while you grant yourself the power to hurt someone else without consequence. You could just keep repeating your actions until someone couldn't stand it anymore and decided they needed to leave the forums. Your freedom of speech just "banned" someone from the forums with the same equivalence as you being "banned" for speaking your mind. The only difference is that your rule is a right and you always had the power. I love freedom of speech, even speech I don't like. I want that for everyone. It's becoming harder to defend.
  6. Thank you! I was very worried for a moment. McDonald's makes much of it's money on rent. It's not a great example of what a franchise might look like in SL. What power do you have as a franchisee in SL? The product is virtual. You can't fix a bug, or even claim you are fixing a bug. You wouldn't really have the profit margins to make things right with a customer. Location is something, but mostly only works in RP worlds where it benefits the RP and it's creators. Those locations would be taken quickly if the theme applied. Most people with $ to spend are typing in a search box to find products and stores. Rarely do they just happen on a quality store while flying around. The only thing you'd really have the power to do is be the best damn middle-person the virtual world has ever seen. Available 24/7. Answer every IM instantly and work out every problem from beginning to end for every customer. Know the product in and out so well that you can answer every question without referring them somewhere else. I think most people would find value in this as an easy money operation, not hard customer service work. You'd practically have to give up your SL to make it work. Good luck!
  7. Would have given anything to have been able to be here laying out the craft service for this video. Magic symbolism. The things they seemed to know back then...
  8. If you should wake to a man dead world. Where virtually all human life had been dissolved from the face of the Earth. Leaving behind only buildings, bridges, machines ... If you should awake to such a world tomorrow morning, what would you do? Where would you go?
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