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Aminlove Faulkes

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  1. Thank you. I follow Nalates via RSS but this was one long post with video and I ... skipped it Shame on me. Inara explains it well. Thanks again!
  2. Hello, What exactly is Animesh ? Can someone point me to a place to read about it ? Thank you in advance.
  3. Turns out one of the models was ... no idea what wrong but after some cleaning the new Firestorm worked... Weird world
  4. Aminlove Faulkes


    Hello all, Quote from: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Exporting_a_mesh_from_3ds_Max " Bone Fixes are no longer required while using the Second Life Bento Project Viewer ( and any viewers with it's code ) [July 2016] Using any viewer with the Project Bento uploader code removes the restriction for all bones to be listed in the DAE file. " This doesn't seem to be true? I tried last Firestorm and Second Life official viewer. Still grayed "Include skin weight". Is there a viewer that is fixed for real? Thanks!
  5. Only ALM needs to be on to see spec and normal effects. People with weak graphic cards don't use ALM all the time (walking around), but almost everyone activate shadows and ALM when making snapshots. So if you want your items to look good and detailed on photos, it's a good idea to use them.
  6. @steph Yes. A friend of mine with different GPU sees the same @arton Thank you! I beleive it's the same problem. Tested the RC viewer and it works as expected! Yay Thanks all for the help !
  7. Hello Steph, Thank you for responding. The speed of the timer was just for testing purposes. I believe it's a bug in the official viewer. Repo: 1. make a box with the official viewer 2. set all sides to the default transparent texture (blending mode is set to alpha blending automatically) 3. make a new script with following code: default { state_entry() { llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, ALL_SIDES, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_MASK,255]); } } Result: alpha mode is not changed at all with the official viewer but with firestorm it's set to mask mode with cutout 255 I'm planning to submit jira, but my low render cost idea just fell down. I tried lots of stuff to workaround it, but no luck Regards
  8. Hello Rolig, Thank you for your answer. I tried breaking the SLPPF but it didn't help with the bug. Actually the animation became slower (if the timer event is super fast for ex.). I'm assuming this is a viewer bug because I don't see a problem with Firestorm, only with the official viewer
  9. Hello LSL masters, So I'm trying to create a mesh animated object. The most common way to make this is to use llSetLinkAlpha and to switch from 0/100 visibility etc. The problem is that llSetLinkAlpha is using 'alpha blending' even if it's set to 100% invisible. This makes viewer to still try to sort the alphas and kills the framerate. So my plan was to use PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_MASK which must switch to 'alpha testing' mode and it should ease the rendering. my code: llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[ PRIM_TEXTURE, face-1, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT, <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, face-1, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_MASK, 255, PRIM_TEXTURE, face , "some non alpha texture uuid", <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, face, PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_NONE, 0]); As you can see I'm animating texture faces instead of objects. If I use llSetLinkAlpha everything works and It's very reliable. But if use the code above a random face decide not to change parameters or PRIM_ALPHA_MODE is not changed at all. It's very weird and I'm just not sure if it's a bug or I'm doing something wrong? Is there a clever workaround this ? Thank you very much for spending time reading this. Regards
  10. Thank you for your reply Rolig! Sadly it doesn't work on anything other than diffuse I tried many different ways to trick it, but without success.
  11. Hello all, Is there any viewer (script?) that supports copy/paste of all materials properties and textures (normal , specular, properties etc) from one object to another? The copy/paste tool in Firestorm (for example) works only on diffuse texture, but not on materials :( Thank you for your time! Regards
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