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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Why can't the Forums be more like Girona, Spain? From a friend who is visiting there: Tagging at least one other lion, for fun. @Diablo Lioncourt
  2. My own double prim parcel is here. Thanks for the list! It means, you get "two times" the normal "Land Impact" / "Prim Allowance" that you normally would for a parcel of the same size.
  3. A pet peeve about my pet: I am stressed out about taking Turbo to his yearly vet appointment tomorrow! Just little things, like getting him into the car, driving the 8 blocks, getting him out of the car so the vet can examine him on a grassy area without stressing HIM out too much. In the heat.
  4. Yeah, we're at the point where the OP visits their own thread to troll and attack people. I'm out of this thread, it's just too toxic for me. Oh well, we had a good discussion until the OP came back.
  5. Oh? New topic, cool. If you put it THAT way, great. But it's not the discussion we had with you. Oh well, it's your thread and you can change the topic as many times as you like! Awesome! * goes off to do RL stuff *
  6. Nope! We have been discussing "actual cases" where perhaps your original proposal may (or may not) work. Any divisions are your own perception. There's been no arguing, bickering, etc. since you've been gone. No evidence of divisions whatsover, unless that's how you interpret explaining YOUR thread to new people. Sorry you can't catch up, apparently. You were tagged a few times to answer questions. Enjoy!
  7. Did you dance in RL, or do aerobics or something while you danced in SL?
  8. Maybe we're just "bad" at establishing a mind-avatar connection? The whole, "it's not you, it's me" phenomenon? Or, maybe people this works for have some RL chemical difference. I'm not saying they're "high", but maybe higher levels of serotonin for example?
  9. If my avatar sees something pretty, I see something pretty. If my avatar does something "naughty", I feel "naughty". If my avatar does SL "alcohol" or "drugs", nothing happens - there's no chemical affect.
  10. It took some patience and persistance, but I found the dystopian intro videos that I like so much for a set of music videos by my favorite Japanese group (L'arc~en~Ciel). First, intro with the family eating using AR glasses: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1js411y758?p=2 Second: kid complaining about the virtual food: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1js411y758?p=8 Third: Dad going gaga over the actual colors in a plant: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1js411y758?p=10
  11. Found it! A couple clips that I was referring to: First, intro with the family eating using AR glasses: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1js411y758?p=2 Second: kid complaining about the virtual food: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1js411y758?p=8 Third: Dad going gaga over the actual colors in a plant: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1js411y758?p=10
  12. Or a zombie! A RL zombie!! I'd hope it is one of the slow variety. Another idea on "chilling" for "resiliency" in SL: Find a nice place with a good view and just go AFK. Check your screen once in awhile and voila! Instant stress relief. Just don't go "AFK" at a place that advertises "AFK".
  13. Maybe, but then the absolute last thing one should do is grab a cub out of the tree for a selfie, drop it, and chase it. Peeve: We can't blame the humans, Mama Bear should have taken personal responsibility for her cubs!
  14. "Fishing" is popular in RL and sounds relaxing, I wonder if people play the fishing games in SL to be more resilient?
  15. As far as I know, these shenanigans are not uncommon the last several years. Whether it is due to ignorant people breeding, or too many cute animals on the internet, or lack of respect for Nature..hard to say!
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