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Everything posted by Catrie

  1. I like how you're only putting smoking in pictures on blast, and not all the other multiple vices. Let's extend that, shall we? If we remove smoking from pictures, we need to remove pictures that portray murder, violence in general, sex, and anything else that people could possibly either be offended or influenced by. What would that leave us with? Pictures of animals and landscapes and fruit. I grew up in the 80s surrounded by smokers. I have had one cigarette, after work on my first job. Didn't see the point of it then, and still don't. I grew up with the ads of the Marlboro Man, Joe Camel, etc plastered all over TV. Yet, that didn't make me want to smoke any more. I also grew up with Spot the Budweiser Dog and ads full of glamorous parties making it look cool to drink. Didn't make me take up drinking, either. At what point does personal responsibility come into play? Online worlds and games usually have a 13+ age rating. When you're a teen, regardless of what you play or log into online, your parents should be aware of what you are looking at and reading anyway. Pulling this "oh, but it's bad for the children" crap is an excuse. You don't like something, fine. Don't give it a Like and move on. Be an adult and just say " I don't like looking at pics of smoking." Also, I find it hilarious that the person who started the whole " smoking in pics is bad" discussion in that thread is also the same one who has plastered their Flickr account with pic after pic of one of their avatar having e-sex with countless other people in game. Those pictures are completely fine, but smoking in pictures isn't? Okay. Your hypocrisy is showing.
  2. It's art. You don't have to agree to it. There are probably hundreds of paintings over hundreds of years that depict murder. Are you okay with those? What about all the pictures of just violence in general? Or all the pictures, paintings, and video of porn? Are you okay with that? Do we want to be a part of that conversation? Why are you calling out smoking but not all the other vices, or what have you, in pictures?
  3. Putting my 2 cents in here. I've smoked 1 cigarette IRL and it was nothing special. Wouldn't do it again, because I simply saw no point in it. Was raised around smokers. However, on the rare occasion, I have taken a picture of my character smoking. Why? because it fit the artistic mood I was going for. Will that one picture make some random internet stranger decide to start smoking? I highly doubt it. If a simple picture triggers someone to pick up a habit like that, they were already inclined to do so, and are just using that as an excuse so they don't have to take responsibility for their choices.
  4. Oh, I'm well aware of this. In fact, I used to work for them. So, I'm all too familiar with it. I also still have friends that work there. Personally, I'd play on a private server first before I ever gave Blizz my money again.
  5. How does that negate them having a physical authenticator/authenticator app for years?
  6. Honestly, they should have had this for years now. They deal with currency that can be converted to real world currency. This should have been one of the first things implemented. If someone broke into a big store's account and took all their Linden, it has real world implications. Blizzard has had authenticators for years now, so has ArenaNet. I recently decided to play GuildWars2 again and had to get my old authenticator removed. I haven't played on there for at least 7 years. If I ever decide to go back to WoW, I'll have to do the same thing. If you don't want to use it, don't. However, to me, it's just common sense to help secure my account and something I've done for years with other online games.
  7. the nonsense that is that whole thing, is a lot. Outside of getting your name wrong, It's "Likes" and "You're". "Sence" I'll give them because it seems it's an archaic form of "Sense". Also, if you're hanging out at 100 sex sims, is that daily, monthly or yearly? I mean even if it's yearly, that's a lot of sims to visit. Do you make money doing that? How much time do you spend there? What are your rates? When do you have time to take pictures? Is that a full time job? Does it pay well? Curious minds really want to know. I'm "Curious Minds". I just really want to know. lol
  8. I might be wrong, but is Lilly even an Evo X head? I thought it was just an Evo head. As far as I know, the only Evo X heads are Avalon, Ceylon, and Brianna. There is an Evo line that can still use regular BOM makeup, but the Evo X heads cannot. They require BOM makeup especially for them (if you use the Evo X setting)
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