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Rider Linden

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Everything posted by Rider Linden

  1. llGetInventoryDesc has already been included in the Fall Colors simulator. If all goes according to plan, I should be handing that off to QA at the end of next week... Other fun scripting things in Fall Colors: llIsFriend llListFindListNext (no doc yet) And perhaps, feasibly, possibly, maaaaaayyyyybeeeee something having to do with rezzing objects from scripts.
  2. @Pinky Vought, you should check out the Virtual Railway Consortium. I believe they have free scripts at their main depot which can be found here. Also check out: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Railroad https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Virtual_Railway_Consortium https://places.secondlife.com/parcels/3861/virtual-railway-consortium-headquarters-tuliptree There are links to the wiki pages with a lot of the technical info about the SLRR on the first link.
  3. @Phil Deakins, Open a support ticket (Not a JIRA.) They should be able to help you with the flag.
  4. There was another time (this was before my time at the Lab) where someone changed the coefficient of friction. There was a breedable horse that when it was hungry would try and move towards a salt lick. Unfortunately the change case to the horses to slide past their saltlicks every time and they could never reach them.
  5. It's the internal name for this simulator release. I've always had internal names for the simulator releases, but I've only recently started using them publicly. People seem to be better able to follow if I use names like "Summertime Blues", "Spring Flowers" or "Bugsmash" instead of numbers like 563, 572 or eleventy-eleven.
  6. Everyone knows Lindens are just fig newtons of the imagination.
  7. I believe the correct collective noun is a "Lag of Lindens"
  8. (Gilda Radner was brilliant!)
  9. The fix for that should be on all RC channels after Wednesdays roll.
  10. Arizona does. That's because if they had an extra hour of daylight things would catch on fire. The scripting and simulator user group is at Noon SLT on Tuesdays.
  11. The new simulator, rolled to Bluesteel channel yesterday, includes a fix for BUG-232895.
  12. A non-exhaustive list of blocked headers is kept here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Template:LSL_Constants/HTTP_Headers (The list also appears below the parameter table on the wiki page for llHTTPRequest.)
  13. *ATTENTION* I gave llLinksetDataDelete and llLinksetDataDeleteProtected a return code so that you can know if they fail. Unfortunately this means you will need to resave any script that uses those two functions. (*this is why we never change functions in production.)
  14. I'm going to bring this up at tomorrow's user group, but I wanted to throw it out for discussion. Right now if you update a key-value pair with an identical value ("foo:bar" and you reassign the value "bar" to the key "foo"), or when you delete a non existent key I will fire the respective event. The logic there is that the operation was successful, even if trivially so. "bar" is now the value of "foo" and the key you deleted is not in the store. The other school of thought is that the event should indicate a change in the KVP store. No key in the database? then no event on a delete. If the value at a key is the same before and after then the KVP store has not changed so do not fire an event. Which of those two would people prefer? linkset_data is thrown even on a "trivially" successful operation. linkset_data is thrown only when there is a change to KVP data.
  15. I'll have to check out regextester. Here is @Fenix Eldritch's search at RegEx101: https://regex101.com/r/ameaZx/1
  16. "A[[:digit:]]C" matches "A0A0C". To only match the 3 character ones try: "^A[[:digit:]]C$" (^ == beginning and $ = ending) When I'm working with regexs I make heavy use of https://regex101.com/ (because, yes, regex is voodoo, but it is very very powerful voodoo.)
  17. It is only active on a few of the beta grid regions. Try testing on either [Mauve] or [Jigglypuff]
  18. Zi, please open a feature request JIRA, we're doing some work in the the area of Experience KVP soon.
  19. The RC channels on Agni. But I need to convince QA first. 😉
  20. Yes, the roll on Sunday should have fixed the empty key crash. Today's roll is hopefully the last before RC.
  21. Documentation for the LSL functions is up on the wiki but not yet linked to the main functions page. You can find it here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_LinksetData On this roll I've added three new functions llLinksetDataWriteProtected(string name, string value, string pass); llLinksetDataReadProtected(string name, string pass); llLinksetDataDeleteProtected(string name, string pass); These functions create "protected" keys in the datastore. In order to update, read or delete a protected key/value pair you must provide the same pass string that you supplied when it was originally created. Protecting a key incurs a 32byte overhead in addition to the value and key length. Writing to a protected key without the correct pass string will fail and return LINKSETDATA_EPROTECT. Reading a protected key without the pass string returns an empty string, and attempting to delete one fails silently. In the linkset_data event when writing a protected key, the value parameter will always be an empty string. Protected keys are removed by a call to llLinksetDataReset.
  22. You can address this by removing keys that you would rather not have persist in the script's default state_entry handler.
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