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Everything posted by KennyChidorie

  1. Program version: Blender 3.0. Hello everyone, I am concerned about the following problem with the location of the mesh object: bind shape matrix is not in standard x-forward orientation If i ignore this error and load the mesh object into the SL world, the object itself is placed on the wrong axis coordinate. Can you take screenshots of exactly how you export from the Blender 3.0 program and how exactly you load the rigged mesh into SL? Maybe I'm missing something. Changing the coordinates in most cases does not react at all, in other cases - the thing is too far from the avatar itself. PS I don't use avastar.
  2. Virtual worlds help at least a little distract from what is happening. You can go crazy without them. I am not a social person to communicate with people in the real world, this causes me stress. And the Second Life helps to cope with stress, the opportunity to go there at least for a few minutes. Before the war, I could be in the SL world more often, now I can only be there for a few minutes. However, now I'm having trouble logging in. Yesterday I wrote to the support service, I hope they will fix the situation.
  3. Thanks for idea. I tried from another account, the effect is the same.
  4. The second message I got was "check your network connection", however, the connection is fine. I checked the internet speed. Right now I need to press the login button 10-15 times to eventually enter the Simulator. That is, the SL refuses to let me in the first time.
  5. I tried to restart - the problem was not solved.
  6. I can not enter the world of Second Life, it gives me an error when entering. Internet connection is stable. I checked the status of the grid for today - everything is in order with this too. What could be the problem?
  7. Любителям бесплатного контента: Вот вам несколько ресурсов, а также значения терминологии в целом. Проверяйте нет ли платы за группу, а также платы за вендор с товаром. Это может быть подарок на время, либо на постоянной основе. Подарочные карты, кредит магазина (возвращать линденами не нужно), групповые подарки, подарки событий, в честь дней рождения создателей контента, днюхи их магазинов и многого другого. Стоит учесть что при работе с картами и кредитом магазина нужно быть более внимательными, чтобы не потратить свои личные средства на товар. https://www.scoop.it/topic/second-life-freebies-und-mehr https://www.facebook.com/groups/562589143838714/ https://www.facebook.com/FreebiesSecondLife/ Сайт различных событий виртуального мира Second Life: События или же ивенты это тематические временные мини-праздники, на которых можно приобрести конкретные вещи. Тут порою можно найти вещи по скидке, бесплатные подарки от группы самого события или просто бесплатные подарки на самом событии. Практически все события временные, они могут длиться несколько дней или недель. https://www.seraphimsl.com/ Адвент-календари: Адвент-календари это календарь на 15, 24 или 26 дней с подарками от различных магазинов и групп. Однако, как и во многих предыдущих случаях, некоторые владельцы магазинов взамен за свои "подарки" хотят чтобы вы вступили в их платные группы. Без групп в большинстве случаев, нельзя взять подарок. Поэтому весьма трудно назвать то, что зависит от платной группы подарком. Такие события происходят раз в году с 1 по 26+ декабря. https://www.teleporthub.com/advent-calendar/ Охота Охота или же хант не совсем корректное название для такого события. Больше бы подошло название "Игра в прятки", потому что цель такого мероприятия поиск коробки с вещью, которую спрятали где-то на локации. Трудно сказать зачем за спрятанные коробки ещё порою требуют оплату линденами, но с этим ничего не поделаешь. Вы либо принимаете участь в платных хантах, либо находите бесплатные. Временное событие. https://www.teleporthub.com/category/hunts/
  8. Как вариант, можно попробовать. С 4гб ОЗУ выживать в СЛ? Это круто, если подобное до сих пор возможно. Однако, далеко с такими параметрами уехать нельзя. Поэтому могу предположить что открытие такого топика с инфой по поводу облачного хранилища весьма актуальная вещь.
  9. Thanks again to everyone, after a little thought, I realized that this was an attempt at manipulation through blackmail with the help of my reputation. This creator planned to make me do something with the script for free through blackmail based on my reputation.
  10. Thank you, I drank the sedative as I got a little nervous, thinking that someone on my behalf could write something.
  11. Sometimes I slow down and I can not always correctly understand what is being said. In some cases, I myself am misunderstood. In this case, I understood you and will continue to move on. I have a lot of ideas and projects for another virtual space that I want to bring to life. In any case, I am personally very grateful to you. Thanks again for your help!
  12. I gave up on SL by and large. I rarely go in and check if customers need help. If a person does not understand how and what works, I try to explain as clearly and meticulously as possible how to work with it. But moments with messages in SL are very rare. I just found a more peaceful virtual space with which I work and I like it there. Unlike SL, there are much fewer people like that. I hope that in SL one day other times will come, positive ones. I do not like when they try to drag me into any situation. PS I will not advertise that virtual world , SL is still a good place in many cases. Therefore, at least sometimes I try to attend SL.
  13. By scammers, I mean people who blackmail. Let's say I asked one person why he left a bad review, that buyer wrote that if I give him an expensive item that he likes, he will change the review to 5 stars. But most of the other cases were about trying to cheat on lindens.
  14. I've been rude before. But he was rude only to crooks who tried to deceive me in any way.This was many years ago. For many years now, I've been ignoring crooks and only answering people who ask about my products.
  15. Thanks, that's what I did. This review was written by someone we haven't contacted.
  16. I very rarely visit SL. I recently checked if there was any correspondence with this person. But no, we have not personally crossed paths. There is no previous communication history between us. I specifically check for correspondence.
  17. If the review has not been deleted yet. I reported it.
  18. If we communicated personally and after our communication this person would leave this kind of feedback, I would not write about it here. Therefore, I created this post, assuming that someone could answer this person on my behalf.
  19. Why did I write "slander"? We are not familiar with this person. Moreover, we did not communicate at all. This person did not turn to me personally for help. In other words, we didn't intersect.
  20. @wesleytron thank you for your reply. I'm just guessing. I only assume that this could have happened, after consulting with other people, I can also assume that this is slander in my direction in order to promote his/her store. In other words, a person who leaves a negative review is trying to become popular by denigrating other people's reputation. I try to bypass any drama in SL and any negative side, since I don't need to. I visit SL very rarely, in recent months there have been no questions to me and to my products. The last time I was asked about BOM (this topic did not apply to my products), I asked a person to describe their problem on this forum and attach images. Thus, that person will be able to receive an answer from me or another person to his question in the near future. I answered politely. Today I decided to check if there are any new reviews for my products and saw this. I personally do not know this person. I erased the nickname of this person, because I do not want to promote this creator.
  21. Hello everyone, does anyone know if it is possible to check the logins to the SL from your account? I rarely visit SL, but just the other day I saw a review on behalf of a person unknown to me, who wrote that I was allegedly rude to him. But I don't know this person. I need to check my login history to see if it’s defamation or if someone really might come in and be rude to customers. Because it was I who had not communicated with anyone in SL for a long time.
  22. На компьютере не хватает оперативной памяти (ОЗУ). Необходимо очистить память от ненужного, проблема не с самим клиентом. Используйте программу WizTree и гугл (в гугле смотрите что из ваших файлов можно почистить), чтобы найти ненужные файлы и удалить их.
  23. Как вариант, в настройках голос был отключён.
  24. Пользователи Active Worlds покупали собственные миры, торгуя там скинами, одеждой и другими материалами.
  25. Всем привет. На днях я просматривал виртуальный мир Active Worlds и тут ко мне пришла мысль что СЛ могли создать благодаря ему. Откуда взялись такие предположения? 1. Первое название Second Life - Linden World. 2. AW был выпущен в качестве беты в 1995 году и для публичного доступа с 1997. СЛ был выпущен в 2003 году. 3. AW и SL в своём первоначальном виде выглядели во многом идентично. А что вы думаете по этому поводу?
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