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  1. Ok Valérie, pas de souci. Effectivement nous sommes en contact avec l'équipe chargée du réseau et on ne trouve pas où ca coince... Pour l'instant c'est le grand mystère. Si on ouvre tout les ports dans les 2 sens ca marche mais bien sûr c'est inenvisageable point de vue sécutité! Encore merci, Amicalement, Didier.
  2. I did this. But no way, I still can't connect to SL server. It looks like an access violation on a port but we don't see wich one...
  3. Hi, I'm working in a French university. For training purpose, student need to connect on SL. Our network is very secure. We know that we must open port in and out on our PCs and on SL servers. But we didn't succeed to find rules that work correctly. We must opent all the port on all machine in the two way to be able to connect on SL server. Does anybody know precisely the way to configure our ACL? Thanks, Regards, Didier.
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