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Everything posted by INFERLEO

  1. this wirked up, thank you, but.... i cant understand why my cart empty itself
  2. like i said... i have already bought things in marketplace, so, obviously is verified, or i have to do it again?
  3. hello, somebody can help me? i was traying to buy lindes since yesterday and i cant, i have linked my visa with paypal, id bought things normally but, recently i can't, also my cart is empty and i had lots of stuffs tehe? somebody can explain? thank you
  4. me pasa lo mismo ahora mismo, ya limpie la maquina, le pase el antivirus completo, ya lo analizé online, actualizé los drivers, tengo una pc muy buena i3 de septima generacion, targeta gt de las buenas, no se que mas hacer dejar de jugar?
  5. falso, yo tengo una maquina nueva con w10 actualizado con todos mis drivers y aun asi no es compatible ni el catznip ni el firestorm
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