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Posts posted by LlazarusLlong
Amethyst Jetaime wrote:a child who wants a box of chocolates and is given only a couple pieces and after eating and enjoying them throws a fit that the chocolate was bad because she didn't get the whole box.
That sounds like my daughter.
Actually, my wife too.
Syo Emerald wrote:there is absolutly no reason to ban letters from this forum.
I think we should have a Welsh language forum, where it wouldn't matter if vowels were banned.
Oh, Lexie wasn't bad, although she fell into the usual PR trap of making promises that she wasn't allowed to keep.
Unlike Amanda who just lied.
My personal favourite was the one who thought she could administer discipline in the forums by disemvowelling posts.
Xiola's feed is open at the moment though.
It says she is LEAD Community Manager.
Maybe if she does well she'll be a BRONZE Community Manager.
It's like that badges and motivation thing.
Sorry, Magnus, I correctly identified that your own thread was all talk and no action.
Which is fine for a General Discussion Forum.
So I started this one; which has already achieved its initial aim.
And which is why I recommended that this thread be moved to Forum Feedback.
I might start another one offering advice to mods next.
Or perhaps one highlighting inconsistencies in the ToS/CG and suggesting fixes.
Or even a discussion about how dismally awful Scotland are at rugby.
My forum, my imagination . . .
Get a job as a "surprise" stripper?
Xiola Linden wrote:For status, do you feel that the use of the badging system could be a way to give that status?
The badging system is completely meaningless, other than for those who might be impressed with themselves because they get three notifications of "improved" status after four and a half posts.
And don't get me started on the value - or otherwise - of kudos.
If you're going to go down that road, then why not publish a league table of the most prolific abuse reporters; perhaps with an indication of their success ratios. THAT would probably make some of the participants here feel proud of themselves.
Griffin Ceawlin wrote:Ouch! Gonna take me a long time to live down that silentp, isn't it?
No foul! You fixed it - which would have been enough to prove your commitment to clarity of exposition - and before anyone else noticed it.
Lynda Baran wrote:"/me points to his explanatory post just above this one which exemplifies and vindicates his observation so well that you might erroneously think Rhys might be a sock puppet . . .. . and realises that he should have also mentioned something about most forumites' inability to construct their own sentences, albeit brief ones, without their including at least one egregious grammatical, spelling, or orthographic error./me recommends that such people should stick to Twitter, where their limited cognitive capabilities won't be stretched . . . too much."So, because you don't like the way some people reply in the forums, make spelling errors, find your longwinded, rambling post boring, etc you want to get rid of them. Who are you really, the Representative to SL from ISIS?
Where did I say anything about how I felt about such people? Where did I indicate whether I liked them or not? Where did I say that I wanted to get rid of them? Where did I suggest that Rhys should be decapitated and her (his?) head be paraded publicly on Youtube as a warning to those who did not listen in kindergarten?
I made some observations, which proved strikingly and immediately accurate, and offered some constructive advice to those disadvantaged who are patently struggling to cope with a potentially complex interactive textual environment.
By the way, I think I shall commemorate your arrogation of the Hitler meme to a 21st century context by informing the Urban Dictionary that Godwin is now old hat, and that discussions terminated by the mention of an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who was a bit of a cow too should be described as "Baraned".
Well, guys, I don't know if you've noticed, but whether you considered my OP tl;dr or a minor extract from a magnus opus, it seems that it has struck a chord with somebody that has nothing better to do than take an electronic broom to the forums and sweep out some of the garbage that has been gathering dust. Stickies, begone!
Now, what about a Sub Forum called "A Linden Answers". I bet you THAT would get some eyeballs on the forums.
Medhue Simoni wrote:Ebbe, are you awake? How about filling us in on what is going on at the lab? You do understand that almost every game company does weekly, and some even daily podcasts or Youtube videos. Most don't even have a reason to do this, like LL does. Unity is the closest thing to the SL platform, and they have videos almost everyday. Go onto their forums, they have actual Unity workers there answering questions and engaging. Seriously LL, you tell us how complex SL is, yet nobody at LL answers anything, EVER.
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an answer here, Medhue. It took Ebbe NINE MONTHS to respond to a Missing Persons Forum callout.
Apparently, he's been "busy" . . .
Perrie Juran wrote:LlazarusLlong wrote:
- Pedantry
An interesting suggestion. Isn't that where most of your posts, including this one, would wind up?Sorry, it's an error; I meant to type "paedophilia" but the forum spellchecker changed it.
Griffin Ceawlin wrote:Yes. Despite my ownamazingpsychic ability, I'm unable to do remote readings. I ain't Miss Cleo.Edit: Spelling.
Ah, the silent p will get you every time.
Those were the days . . .
First we take Manhattan.
Warnes does nothing for Cohen's lyrics, but Stevie Ray nails it and extra.
Darrius Gothly wrote:People are NOT mind readers.
You have obviously not met my wife.
I wish I hadn't...
Rhys Goode wrote:/me starts to read a long, rambling,senslesspost, yawns, moves on.
/me points to his explanatory post just above this one which exemplifies and vindicates his observation so well that you might erroneously think Rhys might be a sock puppet . . .
. . and realises that he should have also mentioned something about most forumites' inability to construct their own sentences, albeit brief ones, without their including at least one egregious grammatical, spelling, or orthographic error.
/me recommends that such people should stick to Twitter, where their limited cognitive capabilities won't be stretched . . . too much.
Knowing the abbreviated attention span of most forumites (and their consequent inability to remember, at its end, how a long sentence, much less paragraph, began) I initially did that, but
"***bleep*** ***bleep*** Linden Lab"
got censored...
It might also be useful, especially for those who come to the forums in some sort of emotional state and in ignorance of the occasionally arcane taxonomy, to create some new forums for popular or recurring topics which do not appear to be specifically covered at the moment. Here are some suggestions:
- Complaints
- Suggestion Box
- Nostalgiafests
- Pedantry
- Hyperemotional Outbursts of a Pseudo-Romantic Nature
- Linden Soap Box
- Lies About The Future
- Pictures of Ugly Avatars Even Their Mothers Would Disown
- Hello Today, Me Too, Content Free Unthreatening And Irrational Uberoptimism, With Kittens
- Depressed But Accurate Observations
- Pointless Picture Competitions Won By Popularity Not Quality
I am sure that the combined intellects of forum participants can add to this list.
Oh, and don't bother suggesting a Zombie forum; we've been there, tried that and died again.
Nor a Vampire one - once bitten, twice shy.
PS I have been informed that my last suggested category already exists.
bebejee wrote: 200 L$ can get a lot of cheap stuff. [edited for clarity]
Taken a little further, in fact, you might note that 200 L$ can get an INFINITE amount of free stuff.
And it's likely to be just as tacky.
Well, mainly clean up the General Discussions forum.
Xiola asked for observations, so I am starting this thread inviting SPECIFIC suggestions relating to returning GD to a state where reading the titles of the most recent threads does not induce an advanced state of narcolepsy.
My principal suggestion is that GD should be returned to its purpose, which is not one of being a channel for LL to distribute propaganda or instruction; neither is it the place to ask naive technical questions - about lag, graphics cards, viewer functionality etc, which have been answered hundreds of times before and would be happily answered by those experts in cut-and-paste that inhabit other parts of the forums; it is also not the place to complain, whether about unjust disciplinary measures, poor customer service or how Wagon Wheels now seem to be much smaller than when you were young. [Actually, it just might be the right place for that last issue, given the apparent age and senility of many participants.]
So, use that Report Inappropriate Content button, not to whinge about somebody pointing out that your semi-literate post was incomprehensible, or that they had a different political philosophy from you and were able to make a more effective exposition of their position, but to request the moderators move irrelevant threads out of GD to a forum where cluelessness is less likely to be publicly highlighted, and assistance generously provided by those who would like to feel superior.
You could start by RICking the Linden Lab threads that have been unilaterally selected for stickiness. Why Xiola should enforce her demands (incorrectly interpreted by most respondents) for potential promotional material is unclear, and clutters up the top of the list. The Skill Gaming Policy Thread would probably have held a position of "popularity" anyway, by virtue of its intrinsic interest to many excluded users from stalinistic states of the union - but that announcement and debate (if there ever actually was one) has run its course and it is now just clutter, and as for the continuing stickiness of an announcement of the conclusion of a beta program in 2012, you have to wonder whether LL's intention is to deter and divert, rather than encourage participation.
Running down the current topic list I can see a variety of thread titles which have no right to be in a GD forum, some of which have already been moved (generally as a result of co-operation between myself and an apparently bored moderator) and I am now issuing a call to action to those of you who would like to see GD restored to its previous position of pre-eminence among the online coffee-shops, so that those who are not suffering from terminal ennui might be encouraged to return to their keyboards and offer provocative, tightly argued and correctly spelled commentaries on issues of the day.
At the very least it will enhance the efficiency of the moderators in identifying trouble-makers, and kettling them in a confined, 'controllable' space.
And by the way, I have RICked this thread myself and asked for it to be moved to a more appropriate place: Forum Feedback...
Lag is DRAMATICALLY reduced if you walk around naked.
And don't worry about getting ARd, disciplined and banned because nobody will be able to tell that you're naked because they won't be able to see much more than a grey shadow because of the lag.
And if somebody DOES threaten to report you just explain that the lag is so bad that your clothes are taking a very long time to rez.
Derek Torvalar wrote:LlazarusLlong wrote:Derek Torvalar wrote:This is all well and good Perrie but you are assuming that they are always acting on their own initiative. And this is not the case for the most part. Those that call attention to the 'blithering idiot' remark are forcing the knee-jerk reaction. It may be the person in question filing the AR but it also maybe just an observer not even really participating in the discussion who AR's it. And this needs to stop. The mods should be reasonable enough to let some if not most of the barbs just play, regardless of who does the ARing. Moreover, those that do AR in that circumstance should be the ones getting the week long banning.
...I wonder if I could find another three or four readers who think using blue text is causing them "annoyance and alarm", and get a group-RIC going...You're not suggesting that I may be doing this intentionally, to be provocative or antogonistic? Are you?Are you ok with the font size?I find most of what you post extremely provocative.
Oh, and as far as the font size goes, it's not how big it is that matters, it's how you use it.
Derek Torvalar wrote:This is all well and good Perrie but you are assuming that they are always acting on their own initiative. And this is not the case for the most part. Those that call attention to the 'blithering idiot' remark are forcing the knee-jerk reaction. It may be the person in question filing the AR but it also maybe just an observer not even really participating in the discussion who AR's it. And this needs to stop. The mods should be reasonable enough to let some if not most of the barbs just play, regardless of who does the ARing. Moreover, those that do AR in that circumstance should be the ones getting the week long banning.
...I wonder if I could find another three or four readers who think using blue text is causing them "annoyance and alarm", and get a group-RIC going...
Ebbe Linden wrote:I've just been busy. But I'm right here. What's up?
Hmmm, nine months to reply. That makes even LL Support look good.
Clean up the Forums!
in Forums Feedback
Yeah, but how low is your handicap?