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  1. Thank you, Rhys - that comment you pointed to was Precisely what I just spent half a day looking for. Angela.
  2. When you see that message you've been logged out of that region. Take a break and fix a cup of coffee. Go to a different region on a different SL task, maybe. Point being that between SL and the region you were trying to get to a PLACE in, they are in a state of confusion if or whether you already exist in that region, If after a delayed attempt to get in there is STILL an issue getting to where you want to be, then as easily as not the issue is something completely outside your control. The Region and the Sim both have limits on how many Avatars and how many Prims can exist on their land. If the limit is 100 for example and you're Avatar #101 knocking on the door then you're not getting in. I'm not going to get into "Rolling Restart Havoc" because I'm a 'newbie' myself and I'm bot supposed to know such profanities. [kidding],
  3. princess and pretty much anyone taking advantage of NCI - there are many [lets say maybe 4 or 5] different parcels ["Places"] with NCI. I've been to Kuula, and I've been ejected but my primary NCI and first was "fishmarket beach" and they were accessible after I was ejected at Kuula. Kuula was having ...Severe....greifing problems.
  4. Tremors - The Counter0Movie to DUNE
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