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  1. I turned off the notifications in my profile under groups however I still get emails and their events show up in my chat when inworld. I would leave the groups but I paid for them and I like to visit but my email account is overflowing and I'm tired of clicking the x box every two minutes. Can someone help me make it stop?
  2. SavySodade

    Alpha Halo

    I bought a new avatar and he has a alpha halo around his head. I have taken everything off him including hair base and he has no facelight. The halo is still there, it messes up everything he wears. Someone please help!
  3. SavySodade

    Alpha Halo

    I have a alpha halo around my avi's head and I removed the hair but it is still there. It is ruining the collar of every outfit I buy It can't be his hair or hair base because I have removed both and they are still there. Can anyone help?
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