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  1. Hello I would like to know about the plan: Seller Fees for "Enhanced" Listings. Yesterday I put an item in my store in the marketplace but it was blocked by linden lab by: Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices-Spam Keyword (unrelated keywords que SEARCH skew results) But I paid L$ 899 for it seje listed on the front page of the marketplace today and this happened ... Can I claim these lindens and uses them in the same item but with different configuration and well listed correctly or I've missed these L$ 899?
  2. I already imported several items at sl mesh, but this rigged and is not working
  3. Hello, I am trying to import a rigged mesh dress created by me in second life, but when I click on the (import weighing skin) flap my viewer disconnects "SL viewer" what could be the problem?Please I need help, my computer is brand new (less than a week) lol and I bought good items for the sl not work well now I use windows 8.
  4. PetiitePerl

    Rates of land

    so if I want to buy a 488m2 Also is free or joins with to my house and it has Lindem is 512m2 and is 900m2 or in each plot separates m2?
  5. PetiitePerl

    Rates of land

    I want to buy a land of 448 meters and 800 meters, as I will pay the fee for each month? Sorry my debt, I read about rates : https://secondlife.com/corporate/pricing.php?lang=es-ES . But did not understand what happens when you buy a plot size is less than 512 meters or when it is greater than 512 and less than 1,024. Ty :matte-motes-big-grin:
  6. Thanks for the help! But I guess that's not what I'm looking to know, I'll put some pictures of more concrete examples: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11015_1484812831800796_3649552479803357565_n.jpg?oh=e7b9aeb6ce17608c219457cba3662a18&oe=54B42C0A&__gda__=1424805367_f97e64057810b5ace4983a23de7ae250 https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1457669_1484812835134129_8382122384805488570_n.jpg?oh=acd6fd6f75b43a5e2aa8d2d444547f43&oe=54F66676 that's exactly what I'm looking for.
  7. how can I add an icon on my profile and shorten any link? for example: Icon- Link- Pérola Ty: heart:
  8. PetiitePerl

    Error log

    Hello Forum !! Two days ago I can notI can not log in to SL. Me a warning appears that says: Error on login, login problem with the simulator. what I do to solve this problem? :catsad:
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