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Tzu Tison

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Posts posted by Tzu Tison

  1. I'm posting under an alt because I fear further retaliation/greifing.

    2 weeks ago I purchesed quite a bit of land in Braunworth near the info hub. I thought this would be an ideal location to set up my little hang out aka club. I knew newbies would be there and figured it would give them a place to come and get help and learn. In the beginning week. Things were ok. I met lots of new people, helped out a lot of newbies...then my neighbor struck.

    I returned a prim (floor to his advert land that adverts for another sim) to him that encroached on my land. He put it back out, I sent a message asking him to please adjust his prim so it doesn't encroach and that if it didn't I would return it. He didn't adjust so I sent it back. That is when all heck broke loose. He sent me an IM cursing at me trying to tell me that his prim didn't bother anything, yadda yadda yadda. Not the point. It bothered me.

    Next thing I know, he has taken down his adverts and has erected HUGE flashing glowing prims that face my parcel essentially making my parcel a hell hole to be in. In front of all these he has put up what he calls a "club" but is essentially just more advertising for the other sim.  He has also erected a tree that is self replicating. He made sure the tree encroaches but the main prim is on his land. No matter how many times I return it the darn thing comes back.

    He also owns a small picece of land on the other side of me. To which he has erected a matching huge prim that glows and flashes with another ad on it. I built a wall in front of this (on my own land) and placed my placcard on it. This morining when I logged on, I found that he had extended his ad into my placcard and had also put the no return script in that as well. Even though it encroaches I can't return it because it just shows back up. I was forced to extentd my wall and move my placcard to cover his ad.

    I have sent ar after ar along with opening a support ticket to no avail. Nothing has been done to stop the harassment.

    What else can I do?

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