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Everything posted by Dionysiius

  1. Hi, thank you for responding. I actually was visiting a few spots. Lol Surprisingly I was in a roleplay city and they had a dj booth on their land a good number of people showed up. I wanted to visit one of the places I used to work at on SL but I don't remember the name. That place stayed packed.
  2. Very informative and thank you for replying. I was also thinking of a different kind of business based off of roleplay instead. That is the main message that everyone seems to agree upon. Have a business and do it for fun and it'll stick around a lot longer.
  3. Hi, thank you for replying. Yes, I know what I was describing. I just wanted to refer to it in a different way. I understand what you are saying though. The main concept is do business for fun.
  4. Hi, thank you for taking time to reply. Yes, I would love to basically make enough profit to eventually cover tier and paying employees as well.
  5. I was thinking of creating like a small place for people to get together and listen to music. I really don't want to refer to it as a lounge. More like a place to come and relax like a lounge but outside? Maybe it'll be on a beach, not exactly sure yet. I was thinking that is the best bet though. I was going through expenses and be on a 4096sqm plot. I'm trying not to spend too much. I was also thinking when hiring staff it would consist of just DJs and Hosts only. I wanted to say that this staff has to come with their own following to ensure we have a lounge with actual people. lol Do you think that is asking for too much? I have not purchased the land yet as I wanted to see if I could find staff that would be willing to work under these terms but of course not before consulting you all on this forum. :) The next thing I was thinking was what if I charged people to get in? I was thinking like $50? If not I was thinking since the staff is guaranteed pay... maybe I could take from the tips? I have that listed below as I would receive %20 of the tips made. I just wanted to ensure that the staff is paid because I know sometimes tips may not really be too generous. I wanted to just run the lounge and trying to make a profit a long the way. I'm thinking if I play it smart maybe this lounge can pay for itself? I'm not caring to make a huge profit but if I can just break even on tier alone I'll be happy. I was thinking the time the lounge should be either: 8pm - 10pm 10pm - 12am I AM LOOKING FOR YOUR HONEST INPUT! (Note: PRICES ARE IN LINDENS OF COURSE) 2 Hours Per Day 6 DJs - 1800 6 Hosts - 1800 Tier - 1299 --------------------------- $4899 PAY + 80% = TIPS $300 per event
  6. Are you looking to start a business and have actual plans on how to get started and have the majority of things in order? I am looking to become a business partner to help someone's dream business come true! I am financially stable enough to help out with someone's business if they're serious of course. Clearly if I am helping fund a project I would expect part ownership.
  7. Are you looking to start a business and have actual plans on how to get started and have the majority of things in order? I am looking to become a business partner to help someones business come to life. I am financially stable enough to help out with someone who is clearly serious about their business. Clearly if I'm helping fund a project I would obviously want part ownership in the venture.
  8. Yes, unbeatable! The best price and prim rates on SL! For the quality homes I offer you will be quite happy! See for yourself.. L$1000/weekly 800 prims L$800/weekly 600 prims L$600/weekly 400 prims I even have an open lot! So if you don't like a home you can place yours as long as it fits! Dionysiius Luxury Homes Contact me in world: Dionysiius Resident http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kangean%20Star/165/205/21
  9. Dionysiius Luxury Homes.... have prices literally like no other! I offer the lowest prices guaranteed for amazing homes with a great amount of prim to go along with it! I have seen homes for rent at... L$1400 for 400 prims... but that is not what I do... come down and literally check us out! If you don't like what I have to offer there is an open lot. If your home can fit you may place it and we can discuss further details. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kangean%20Star/211/218/21
  10. Let me first state that my avatar is simply new. I am not new to SL. I started back in July of 2009. I am here looking to become a business partner of someone's business who believes they have something that can be a success. A business partner such as myself offers to help with payments and ideas to help the business expand. In order to get my attention please contact me either In-World! Please have information ready for me to look at to see if I will take the step and become a partner within the business.
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