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Posts posted by Rathgrith027

  1. 1 hour ago, Strawberry Linden said:

    Hi everyone, I apologize if my absence has caused any kind of confusion. I’ll try to answer as many of the questions I see about me and my work in this post. 

    • I had a death in the family so I have been away as I was taking some personal time. 
    • I locked my personal blog about 2 months ago as I am trying to reduce my digital footprint under my Strawberry Singh account. 
    • We will continue to post important announcements and grid updates on our official social media accounts when we have them. Keep an eye on our status and community blogs for all the info.

    Thank you to all those who personally reached out. I’m doing okay now and will be around more often. I really appreciate all the love and support from our wonderful community. 

    My deepest condolences for your loss. Thanks for letting us know about this. 

    • Like 11
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  2. 3 minutes ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

    I am not sure exactly how calling people haters, fools and idiots equates with being kind.

    Especially when said people more likely than not are concerned more than anything. Calling genuinely concerned parties 'idiots' or 'fools' and those wishing to get to the bottom of matters 'haters' isn't exactly the kind of mindset I feel is adherent to the Tao of Linden.

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    • Haha 1
  3. On 7/21/2024 at 6:11 PM, BriannaLovey said:

    It may also be something to do with the recent CrowdStrike BSOD incident:


    If this were the case, we would be facing grid-wide outages the day of. The Crowdstrike incident has more or less been technically resolved. Legally and economically.. that's another story.

    On 7/21/2024 at 5:59 PM, Cube Republic said:

    The content creators meeting was really quite the other day and Vir Linden said it was because 'a lot of lindens were at an important meeting'

    This was obvious code for:


    'Second Life is being sold to Disney'

    Pretty sure Disney wouldn't touch Linden Lab with a 8 mile barge pole.



    On 7/21/2024 at 3:16 PM, Alwin Alcott said:

    sometimes a little break is just a little break

    currently i'm more worried about myself (glucose levels a bit to low)


    Take care of yourself first, dude. can't have a Second Life without a first.

    • Like 3
  4. 2 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    Ok, but if I saw this avatar in a A rated sim, I'd report it. It looks like a child.

    Uh, no. And honestly, I rejoice in knowing your sentiment would die quickly in a Governance meeting, if the Lab's words on the matter lately are anything to go by.

  5. Look, I'm going to be clear as I can here.

    I have NO issue with banning child avatars from accessing adult content. None. Zero. Nada. It's bad PR, it's a legal minefield, even with protections for the lab like the aforementioned CDA-1996 Sec. 230, and is overwhelmingly condemned.

    My problem, is that adult avatars that present as petite, that are styled in anime fashion, that are effeminate males or otherwise gender nonconforming, over the years, have gotten the short end of the stick over the years. Were some of those bans justified? Probably - I've seen a few and in some of them, yes, Linden Lab was right. But at the end of the day the problem in that regard alone, and this is the crux of it, is that there is no clearly defined guidelines. Yes, height is not a sole determining factor. Awesome - I'll let time decide whether Linden Lab follows thru on their word. But we need images, examples, that show what proportions and the sort are okay, what kind of behavior is okay, and what aren't, for both governance as a litmus test, and for the community as a boundary. If some people still get banned, then it's on them for not adhering to the guidelines set, but right now the guidelines have a larger circular error probable than a shotgun fired at 10,000 feet.

    That's all I want. Nothing more. Nothing less. If the lab were to do that, and stick to it, I would shut up about Governance probably forever.

    • Like 8
    • Confused 1
  6. Just now, Robberinthemuseum said:

    I hope LL takes note of the people arguing too strongly against the modesty patches and reports them to the appropriate authorities. Sorry, not sorry. 

    I haven't spoken much about the modest patches, but I honestly don't have a problem with it. Child avatars shouldn't be engaging in any sort of sexual activity on SL, full stop.

    • Like 9
  7. 11 minutes ago, Vivienne Schell said:

    Sorry, but pedophelia, which Linden Lab adresses here, includes children (here:child avatars) by default. If Linden Lab were determined to oust all of you a**players they could and they would do it. They do not want to, instead they count on the a**players common sense and cooperation. It´s pretty simple: Follow the new guidelines instead of complaining on them and you are safe and everyone around you is safe. The more you complain and whine on the relatively moderate changes the less friends you will have in the near future.

    Oh, so we're resorting to slander when I dare ask people use accusations that heavy and damning with the respect they deserve, that's cute.


    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Leslie Trihey said:

    Good lucky denying a bunch of people access to most of the mainland and the majority of the grid. Public moderate is also considered pg-13.

    Seconded. It would just exacerbate the underlying issue of this, where Linden Lab provides no guidelines worth a damn for the child avatar policy, and would put petite adults, GNC and other avatar groups (even those like Anime or hell, at this point, tinies) at grave risk of governance action. At that point, we should just pack up this grand experiment that Philip Rosedale started years ago, because that would probably at least, piss off a third of our userbase.

     We only recently got our asses out of a population decline. This scandal isn't helping matters. Let's not dig a deeper grave.

    • Thanks 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    This obsession is concerning, are the naked kid avatars in the thread with us now?

    This whole *****show reminds me of that bit from Spongebob with the Realtor.

    "He's a pedo, She's a pedo, they're a pedo - I'm a pedo! Are there any other pedos I aught to be aware of!?"

    The allegation that someone is a kiddie diddler being slung around like mud is a  insult to people like me and countless others, who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Treat the allegation with the weight it *****ing deserves.

    • Thanks 6
  10. 16 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

    I wore a 32D bra at age thirteen. I WAS a child at 13! Honestly, by age 13 I was at my full adult height and shape except that my hips may have gotten a little bit wider in my 20s. You'd be hard pressed to distinguish my 20 something shape from my 13 year old shape.

    It's almost as if.. people don't mature the same way, or at the same time.

    Someone call Bixyl Shuftan, the people need to hear this one.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

    i probably going to get AR'd for wearing layer undies when weeding the garden at this A rated venue where I look after the grounds by some rando who goes o.m.g avatar undies !!! must be a child !!!!


    If wearing underwear is a crime, then I will be going to SL21B in a bra and panties.

  12. 1 minute ago, Drayke Newall said:

    True, however, some would and are arguing on the depths of the internet and elsewhere that there is a big coincidence that 5 years ago such accusations were published and here we are again with similar accusations.

    I'm not saying any of it is true or that LL are lying or what have you however, the coincidence is there and I am not the only one that has seen the same coincidence.

    I see the coincidence too, make no mistake, but all I have to say on that is that a broken clock is right twice a day.

    • Like 4
  13. 3 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

    just on this

    in the RL the authorities work on the under 16 over 18 rule.  For the largest number of people there is a big gap between the two in appearance

    Yes, but here's the problem - you are applying real life methods to SL - An avatar's metaphysical age cannot be defined because it can shift and change at will. We don't have legal documents to go off of. We have to go off of looks and behavior alone.


    3 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    I hate the abuse in real and the presentation of it in SL as any western civilised human. But we don't solve the real problem with the things that are announced now.

    I hate RL abuse as well. I don't think anyone here doesn't. But at the same time, getting rid of it in SL, or in other simulated or fictional environments does not make the problem go away.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

    well as a brat neko of longstanding, and involved with a adult venue also of longstanding populated by people deep into bondage and submission both virtually and in the RL, I think I am quite well qualified to know a minor when I see one

    I never said you didn't - but again, what you assume from what you perceive is inherently subjective.

  15. 1 minute ago, Drayke Newall said:

    When I heard about the latest article that produced all this reaction I wasn't surprised. Whether it was true or not, the fact that it was published didn't surprise me at all especially if you have kept up with LL's issues regarding all of this.

    I'm surprised you haven't heard of anything happening to them in the past. Even the 2019 court case where they fired their information security director (for what ever reason - it is irrelevant) and their claims in said case of high ***** numbers every quarter and those offenders simply being able to return. From this article: Second Life Is Plagued by Security Flaws, Ex-Employee Says | WIRED

    "Pearlman says that her concerns were only amplified by violations of Second Life’s “*****” rules"

    "According to the lawsuit, in 2018 the manager of Linden Lab’s fraud team “presented information to Linden board members in quarterly fraud reports that acknowledged a high number of such ***** [sic] violations were actually occurring on a regular basis each quarter.” The suit says Pearlman “was concerned that Linden Lab was apparently allowing the users to violate ***** rules, by not implementing appropriate procedures to prevent violations from repeating at the same levels each quarter.”

    From previous information, this current article isn't an isolated case nor are we talking about a small number of offences.

    Trust me. This latest article is not the first time it has been brought up that LL have been ignoring taking preventative action and simply hiding behind their rules. I am not saying what LL should or should do or if they are correct or not but when even their own teams have shown concern in the past it surely means something.

    A word of warning, that Kavya is not exactly a trustworthy source. Court documents from LL legal counsel rebuked a lot of what Kavya accused LL of doing, and Kavya was accused of.. a lot of things that put her competency into question.

    And for those who say that they could just be lying..perjury is a thing.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    i know what you mean . but also the issue with child avi's ... that are also adults doing it ....
    it is a very complicated thing how to deal with adults doing things.
    What is most difficult is where to put the line.

    ***** not withstanding (as ***** again, is banned because of its' taboo nature *and* legally questionable status), if it is between consenting RL adults, my opinion is simple - Linden Lab should keep their hands off of it. Places like Soraya's and the sort are taboo for good reason. Linden Lab *tolerates* them. The community.. somewhat less so.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

    in SL where we can we wear anything we like, we don't have any way to prove anything. So we left with how we look to a reasonable observer.  I do not find it reasonable for someone to tell me that my avatar looks like a 19 year old going on 13. Nor would I find it reasonable to tell someone else that about their avatar.  If it looks like a 13 year old duck then is a 13 year old duck. Trying to tell me that you are actually 19 really really somehow, doesn't change what I can see: a 13 year old duck

    Unfortunately, opinions are like agents - everyone has one, and they're all different.

    What's 13 to one, is 15 to another. What's 19 to one, is probably 17 to another. I understand *why* we have an ***** ban. It doesn't make it any less of a nonsensical *****show to enforce, though.

    • Like 1
  18. 40 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    same as child abuse, sex with animals is prohibited in many countries also... next TOS change?

    Ah yes, next we should ban depictions of all (adult) sexual abuse, god forbid consenting adults roleplay something that people find disgusting. And after that we can ban handholding, since that's just as degenerate.

    Please don't give Linden Lab any ideas. Next thing you know they'll ban breathing.

    As much as I know people find that stuff disgusting, if we banned everything we find disgusting when it isn't actually harming anyone other than the sensibilities of people who can simply close out the tab, teleport away, or log out but choose not to do so, we would live in a much, much smaller world, and be much worse off for it.

    Edit: No, I am not condoning any real life actions that you are thinking of, get your head out of the gutter.

    • Like 3
  19. 20 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Ya, this is most definitely to protect themselves from trouble that may come down the road..

    Like most rules and laws in this world and the real, They won't stop everyone. But the responsibility will fall on those not abiding by them, rather than those running the platform.

    As someone (#NAL) who knows a bit about online service laws, this is usually the case, at least in the US - Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 states that companies are afforded limited liability for the actions of users on their platform. EU regulations have similar provisions, but the law's identifier evades me at the moment - what I recall is, that since Second Life is seen as a 'conduit' for user interaction, at long as the criminal acts fall within the purview of that conduit, they should be exempt from criminal liability within EU member states.

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  20. Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    You TP into a place about which you apparently know nothing, and immediately go AFK??????

    I'm not sure what to say other than . . . you should probably stop doing that?

    I think these new rules -- and especially the one about baked-on underclothing, which I suspect is really unnecessary -- are going to create lots of real inconveniences and hardships among those who use child avatars. And, no, I don't think that's a good thing: I believe there is a large and entirely legitimate community of child RPers who deserve to be allowed to do their thing to the greatest degree possible. There is absolutely no question that there is a*eplay happening in SL, but, as I've said before, I am pretty sure that, by a pretty huge margin, it's mostly happening with avatars that are largely indistinguishable from adult ones.

    But, I'm sorry, your example, above, is trivial to an almost ridiculous degree.

    Yeah uh.. I find this to just be entirely absurd as well. Who just yeets themselves somewhere blindly and goes AFK?

    • Like 5
  21. 2 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    My discussion with Coffee began when she expressed her concern that child avatars using RLV HUDs to allow their parents to control them might inadvertently find themselves force teleported to an Adult region by an absent-minded (or possibly malicious) parent. 

    .. It's at times like these I'm thankful all of us Nu Vaughns are adults.

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