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  1. Thank you all for your advices. I will try them for sure. But on the bottom line... firestorm shouldnt have these issuses since Linden viewer is working perfectly. Using Firestorm only means: you have to tweak it at once to get it to work properly.
  2. I'm sick of this, and think I will ditch the firestorm viewer for Linden labs viewer for the time being. Linden labs viewer have no problems at all with music and sounds. Really annoying and disappointing that firestorm got this issue. A quick google search tells me I am not alone.
  3. In firestorm I can hear every sound without the music played at different places. I've now tried two different comps and the problem is still there. In preferences within firestorm I've turned on everything related to music and stream. There is nothing wrong with my soundcard or anything. Normal viewer from second life works with music, but NOT firestorm. WHY is this??
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