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Everything posted by DesperadoReprise

  1. So in the near future SL V1 is going to continue to be maintained as a ghettoland, a SuperZindra, for Adult users who won't be allowed to interfere with the children who are going to be allowed free run of the V2 NeoDisneyLand. That'll please the Ladies Who Lunch and all those other anti-BDSM types. And I am sure Utherverse will organise a welcome party for those Adults who feel that LL has let them down by marooning them on a stagnant island with a smaller potential market. Also, the paedophiles are probably organising their migration strategies to V2 from Club Penguin as we speak! Go on, Ebbe, tell us that the membership age restrictions aren't going to be lifted in V2, and that "Adult" content will not be banned. Or are those just more rumours that you haven't got around to categorically denying yet? Nor will. "the sun was sinking low down"
  2. Ebbe Linden wrote: I'm not sure what you are suggesting or asking. SL is donig great, it's better than it's ever been. And we want to make something that's even greater, but to make it increadible there are areas where we just have to move forward and do some things in new ways and thus can't guarantee 100% backwards compatability. And it will be years. Now you're just making yourself look foolish, as well as demonstrating a lack of care for your readers here. Is Peter not around to vet your stuff? "ain't it hard when you're all alone in the center ring?"
  3. Pamela Galli wrote: What LL is proposing is something like this: "Hey, all you residents of Topeka, how about you give up your identity and all* your stuffs and we move you to PARIS!!!!! (At your expense, of course, but still: PARIS!!!!.)" *Well maybe not all but we cant say for sure, so dont count on anything." . . . and we reserve the right to temporarily house you in Guantanamo Bay for an unspecified period in transit. "the lawmen cleared the people from the streets"
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: For some, SL became a lame duck as soon as this announcement was made. What's the usual delay between a lame duck becoming a dead duck? "sooner or later"
  5. LaskyaClaren wrote: I do believe that they are self-interested, and clever enough, to do what they can to mitigate the damage to their own bottom line (and ours). What evidence do you have for this belief? "Stole your dreams and paid you with regret"
  6. Vivienne Schell wrote: Who wants to spend money and time on an inventory which will be obsolete within a few months? Actually, my wife does that all the time. In real life. "ain't it hard"
  7. Rhys Goode wrote: rotting in place is not a good long term strategy. Unless you're rping an apathetic zombie. "Is there going to be anything left?"
  8. LaskyaClaren wrote: You clearly don't have much faith in that, so the obvious answer is for you to get out, now, while the going is still good. Others -- and I hope this is a majority -- may have more faith that LL is sufficiently aware of its own best interests not to burn content creators, landowners, and other "high end" users more than they absolutely have to. You'd trust LL with a judgment call like this? An organisation that bans someone from the forums for a post that says simply "Wut?" "You sealed your fate up a long time ago"
  9. Isn't that pretty much what XP users said? "they came to town to face another showdown"
  10. LL also has the ability, and right, to terminate accounts without explanation, and without offering a cashout of any Linden Dollars held. That would be a nice little earner for them, wouldn't it! They also now own the rights to your content, so they could sell that after you're gone - and prevent you from selling it in V2 - even in the unlikely event that you could convert it for use there. "Easy money"
  11. Syo Emerald wrote: DesperadoReprise wrote: Nova Convair wrote: There is a big difference between us. You see your SL as an investment. I see my SL as entertainment. I spend a little money for it and I will continue to do this as long as I become entertained. If you substitute "spouse" for "SL" that sounds a lot like the different views my wife and myself have on marriage. Maybe it IS time for V2. "The queen of diamonds let you down, she was just an empty fable; the queen of hearts you say you never met" If you compare SL to marriage, maybe a break would be just the right thing for you. Isn't there a word for analogy in German? Perhaps the concept doesn't travel well. "don't you wonder why?"
  12. LaskyaClaren wrote: DesperadoReprise wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: Repeating myself, but I have to agree: the more that can be said now to reassure folks about the future, the better for LL's ability to keep paying the bills until BetterWorld is open. Train's already left that station. "the stage was set" PS Damn! Laskya already said the same thing in a more detailed and thoughtful fashion while I was checking the - disastrous - cricket score. Fixed it for ya! :-D You might have fixed the typo - I did - while you were at it! "the queen of hearts you say you never met"
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: Repeating myself, but I have to agree: the more that can be said now to reassure folks about the future, the better for LL's ability to keep paying the bills until BetterWorld is open. Train's already left that station. "the stage was set" PS Damn! Laskya already said the same thing in a more prolix fashion while I was checking the - disastrous - cricket score. PPS I think Peter Gray is "on holiday" . . .
  14. Drew Bhalti wrote: That quote you used of what I had wrote is not even in the context. it was for somebody who replied to me. So? "It's all the same"
  15. Nova Convair wrote: There is a big difference between us. You see your SL as an investment. I see my SL as entertainment. I spend a little money for it and I will continue to do this as long as I become entertained. If you substitute "spouse" for "SL" that sounds a lot like the different views my wife and myself have on marriage. Maybe it IS time for V2. "The queen of diamonds let you down, she was just an empty fable; the queen of hearts you say you never met"
  16. It's not a rumour. It's a threat. A very real one. "Stole your dreams and paid you with regret"
  17. Phoebe Avro wrote: Why could LL not make a statment like the one of the Firestorm blog? When i say statment i mean a writen one on sl website / blog http://www.firestormviewer.org/ Probably for the same reasons that Firestorm wrote a statement pleading with people not to abandon SL. Mainly self-interest, and a desire to screw as much out of the naive current user base as possible, before its demise. "Sooner or later"
  18. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Given up on England in the World Cup already then? Erm, I am not English. But those forums where I have been pointing out English deficiencies seem, for some reason, to have dried up in terms of participation. Although I was hoping that they would have the cup of aspiration dashed from their lips at as late a point in the final group game as possible. It's a form of BDSM on which the English thrive. The good news is that there is a lot of hysterically branded beer and snacks going at even cheaper prices in the supermarkets now. And, of course, that the CEO of LL is demonstrating that genes will out. Did you know his father was one of Sweden's top stand-up comics? "You will never kill the pain"
  19. seangold wrote: I am from scotland, ex cop OK, shall we type slower so our posts are easier for you to read? "They came to town to face another showdown"
  20. Jo Yardley wrote: In case you've missed it; SL2 is scheduled to go into beta next year and public in 2016; http://joyardley.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/second-life-2-scheduled-for-2016-launch/ Betya it doesn't. LL has never met a self-imposed delivery deadline in eleven years. It's hardly likely to start now with an e-Microsofty at the helm, is it! "Just an empty fable"
  21. Ebbe Linden wrote: Thanks. We will clearly try to make sure things work out for the best for our users and that we are fair (although I can't guarantee that all will be happy; some will be happier, some will find their niche is less valuable and a large number of new users will find new ways to create that hasn't been done before). I ended up posting where there was volume on the topic. I don't worry too much if it's "my" board or someone elses...as long as there's useful dialog I'm ok... Perhaps you should have initiated the debate on Facebook instead? That would have ensured that nobody from SL would have participated. And it would have been ironic, in the completely incorrect meaning of the word. "Your twisted fate has found you out"
  22. Ebbe Linden wrote: Thanks. So FB/Oculus came out and said they are going to do a VW for a billoin people. I did not hear a peep from anyone here. How compatibale will that world be? When will all users run over to that one? Should I invest in SL now that they are donig that...etc. May I suggest that you at least use the built-in spell-checker before hitting post. Leaving errors like these in posts makes you appear a foolish foreign ESLer to some, an arrogantly lazy inconsiderate supremacist to others, or even that you are extremely rattled by the widespread opposition that yet another PR faux pas has generated. "All you bloodthirsty bystanders will you try to find your seats"
  23. Drew Bhalti wrote: I dun have answers. Ebbe might. Doesn't seem so. "It's all the same"
  24. Ebbe Linden wrote: I'm not sure what you're angry about.... And therein lies the principal problem with your involvement. "Don't you wonder why?"
  25. Chance Byron wrote: Is it that I misunderstand or is this truly the worst piece of marketing I'ver ever seen? You announce to your customers that everything they have purchased and will purchase in the year to come will soon be obsolete? Already people are dumping sims. Is this suicide on the part of Linden Labs? I am astonished. I read somewhere they are appointing the guy who was responsible for New Coke as the new LL VP of Marketing. "Stole your dreams and paid you with regret"
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